Mountain Rain, photos are up for you
There is a significant difference! Way to go JerseyGirl! Ok, here comes a question... which exercise are you doing that is sliming your midsection so nicely? Is it the rowing? You have great results in such a short amount of time. My body structure is a lot like yours, but I'm 5'10, carry most of my weight in my lower body and no amount of walking seems to be doing much. I want a waist too!

5'10, I'm jealous. You supermodel you!
I'm 5'6.
My routine up until very recently has been training 3x a week that included core exercises, calisthenics and weight training and the other 3x a week I was doing 20m on the arc (intervals), 20m on the wave, and 20m rowing.
As of 2 weeks ago, I am doing the same with training and then on nontraining days doing more calisthenics and core work and 45 minutes cardio with sprints (e.g. walking at 3.5 and running at 5.3mph alternately).
Generally, walking really won't do much unless you've been majorly inactive and running will burn calories, but not as significantly as all over work like rowing, arc, and wave. However, we're working on my endurance as I'd like to start doing half marathons within a year. Plus interval training (the on/off I mentioned) speeds up fatburning.
I say, it's all to the core work.
When on my own, I do 3-4 sets of:
- military pushups (15 without stopping, rest AFTER the set)
- situps (20 without stopping, rest AFTER the set), full body, legs crossed
- crunch drills (10/hold 10s/10 more faster)
- oblique crunch (12 without stopping)
- Russian twists without weight (30 sec without stopping)
- bridges (both legs 15 nonstop, single legs 10 each nonstop) THat takes about 40 minutes. Then I do 45 minutes interval training on the arc, wave, rower, stairclimber, or treadmill. Simple but effective. I am a believer in core work!!!!