Diet Pill

Please see my post to Donna this morning...i missed this yesterday. Christa, in your case, I would for sure talk with the doctor. I feel in your case that other issues in your life, from what you present to us here, may be where you need to tweak to make your life healthier. Earning more money, being able to have more tools like good food around, going the gym on a consistent basis rather than what seems like fits and spurts and over doing it when you do go. I am tempted to say also ask him about Wellbutrin...yes, it is prescribed for depression, and it has the side effect of appetite suppressant as well as it may even you out in your life. I look back on my early years...i was very much like you, a lot of mis-directed good happy energy. I could a used that kind of help perhaps...huh maybe still could! You seem like a very creative person, you are young, and you know deep down the directions you want & need to go, just cannot seem to guide it all to the right corridor! Hey, I was 21 once also, and did not even have as much focus as you seem to have.
Get help to keep you on a more even path!