My Husband.....
I feel for you, I truly do. A lot of people here might have more suggestions than I have. But from what I've read you can't make up his mind if he doesn't wants help, HE has to be the one that does it, and he needs to find the will to do it. He has to come into terms that he's an addict and get some help. Would he go to OA meetings, or WW meetings? I assume not since he doesn't want to see a doctor or nutritionist. Would he be willing to do an online weigh****chers so he doesn't have to go anywhere? You could actually do it right along with him so then he won't feel like he's all alone on it. Even though you have the lap band you still need to learn how to eat correctly anyways.
This is a tough one, but from my experience with over weight adult family members I personally don't think you can change them, they have to do it theirself. You can only "guide" them to the best you can do.
How about doing Core on Weigh****chers without him even knowing it. I know that's sort of tricky and it might not even work. But if you had only the core foods available, then maybe he would stop eating sooner, thus weight loss. THey are denser foods so you get full faster. I'm not sure if it would work for you, but what do you have to lose! It's worth a shot.
Good luck, I feel for ya!