My son just broke my heart
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

It was very hard to go through. There was a lot of "you can't have that" when everyone else could and ironically, I rarely had it by choice. There was a lot of blaming. If chips disappeared, they blamed it on me. I didn't like chips until my 20s. Honestly, I didn't start overeating the wrong foods until I was 15, and then snuck food, etc and I started to purge at 16 until I was 19, but even then, didn't do it frequently. I don't blame my parents, it was a different age. But I remember the humiliation of being weighed in front of them and feeling shame at the numbers. It's interesting though, everyone in my family had food/weight issues. My mom is 5'9 and about 230 lbs. She doesn't eat a lot that I can tell, but she doesn't choose healthy foods. I remember when she did a hamburger diet in the 70s and the house always smelled like fried burger.
My dad was 5'11 and got up to 240 lbs. He became a hoarder and salt and sweets addict under stress. He'd come home with a grocery bag full of chips and chocolates that were "all his". My brother is 6'2 and now 240, but...he doesn't look it. He's got a big build and 220 is healthy on him. I'm worried about him now as his girlfriend told me he eats a grab bag of chocolates in a single sitting. I mean like 8 Reese's 2-cup packs. My "elevated" blood sugar was a warning sign for me and now I think I see the potential for diabetes II in all my family, even my dad who died 15 years ago.... Ironically, at 294 I'm the healthiest in the household, even though we're no longer under the same roof. Anyway, I won't ever make a child of mine feel shame for his/her body. That wound cuts deep.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. It is hard, it is very hard. It doesn't help that not only is he ten, but he doesn't quite comprehend like most ten year olds would. I don't know if he just doesn't understand, or things just fly right in one ear and out the other. He has no self control, to where just five minutes after we talk he wants something else. One of my teenagers is a little pudgy, probably weighing 150. She also has her own issues, but she chooses not to listen to me anymore. Whenever I try to talk about it she just complains and storms off. I've recently noticed she is calling herself a "fatty", like in a jokingly way. So it's going to eventually bite her in the butt.
I guess I'm going to have to have a "family meeting" once again on teenagers bringing stuff home. I don't think he eats it too often, but it's there so it's tempting. I finally got it through to my mom to stop bringing her left over goodies over here. I finally told her it's going in teh trash if she brings it. She's not too happy with me about it. In fact she put something in her grocery cart the other day and mentioned it to my youngest. My youngest said we wasn't aloud to have those, that mom never buys them. That woman gave me the evil eye I swear. I don't know why eating healthy is such a bad thing. I do give them things on occasion, I don't like saying "your never going to eat this again", because it's not true! I think we should be able to eat anything we want, just when the times right, and not all the time!
I think I'm going to start working out with him as a fun thing to do. They love doing things with me, so I actually think they will get a kick out of it. I still don't understand your reasoning for not putting him on the treadmill. That is if you think he doesn't want too, or making it a "diet".
I think I'm going to have to watch him like a hawk. And I liked someones idea about no eating anywhere except for at home. I actually made that rule once before, but it somehow seemed to have vanished.

Hi Chantal,
I don't think we've met before! :) Thanks for your suggestion. Ya know, I've also considered diabetes since it runs in our family. I'm almost in the "pre" stage, been told I'll end up with it if I'm not careful. My mom, dad, grandparents, uncles, name it, has it. Maybe I'll make him an appointment for a check up to see what the doctor thinks. He is due for one anyways.
And for the teens, heck..your not being harsh! :) We have to live here, there almost out the door. I'm going to have another talk with them. That's great your 16 year old finally realized what she had to do. I wish my 16 year old daughter would realize that! Instead she just giggles and gets more food. She just told me last night that she might have a boyfriend soon (lol, I loved the "might"), so hopefully it's going to happen so that maybe it will get her butt in gear.