Weigh****chers people I need your help
Im using etools and I can't figure out how to use my daily activity points. When I put it in it doesn't automatically calculate more daily points for me. Just calculates it all in it's own little section. Will it automatically use them first instead of your weekly allowance points after you use your daily points? I'm a little confused on how to use them on here.

Hmmm, I did not count any of my exercise points; you are right, it was calculated in its own area. Trying to recall, hmmmm, if it came off the weekly allowance.
i think it did not come off there. If you wanted to consider it, you can.
I did not lose if I did that. WW was the first time that I began to de-emphasize how much exercise really impacted losing weight. Well, at least in my body. I leanred to exercise for the multitude of other reasons to do it.
Well I'm about ready to learn that. :) Although deep down I know, I just haven't got to experience it with me. I'm not like you guys who love to excercise. I'm sure not all of you love it, but you do it. I envy ya, that's for sure. I hate excercising, only thing I like is my bike. After I get some of the weight off is when excercising comes more into play for me. I remember when I lost that hundred pounds before. I remember actually running for the first time in my life since I was probably six. It was such a natural high I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of myself. Lol, but even that was just maybe ten minutes on the treadmill.hehe I hate it, but I'm learning I have to do it.

I do love to exercise, and I believe you can, too. For one thing, it is time to yourself - how valuable is that for a mother of 4????
Can you get snowshoes for this winter? I assume you have snow? That is a workout and a half, and I love it. Geez, a half hour would be fantastic.
I think that exercise eventually becomes exactly like eating right - what you get addicted to is how good you feel. You do get righteously HIGH!
And seriously, yes, it's important, however, it is not as important to dropping pounds as watching intake. Unless you work out at competition level, you are not burning all that many caloires...it's more about tone. Most of the thin people I know hate to exercise. Does not have a lot to do with it.