Okay, scale challenge begins today, then!
Here I go :) And no, lol you are not twisting my arm. Well maybe just a bit.hehe Nah, I just love my scale. It's one of those pretty WW ones! :D One that LIES tho...grrrr... ha
Todays Weight-297
Anticipated Loss-2
Hmm, I was going to leave it there so I could look at it.ha Oh well, I'll put it in the closet. :)
What scares me? Scared that if I eat something bad I'll continue eating bad since I don't have my reality check (my scale).

I weighed myself this morning, after fully hydrating and eating breakfast. I weighed 153.4, I want to lose about 2 pounds this week, and I keep my scales under the couch. Nothing scares me about not seeing the scales, I haven't weighed myself for over a wee****il I did this morning. I really want to get down to 135-140 before I make any more plastic surgery consultations, and for some reason I've had a 150-block. when I dip below it by a lb or two, I regain it quickly. I still have enough fat on my stomach that losing another 10-15 is not unfeasible, so it isn't like I'm setting unrealistic goals. It is just really hard for me to break through certain barriers. Also, I ate like a freakin horse on thanksgiving (I also ran 6 miles, but still went way over in calories!) Okay enough ranting. thats my current deal.