Ugh! Ambivalence is worse than all-out failure!
That is interesting that bingeing makes you feel in control.... really interesting and quite the opposite to how it makes me feel.
Regardless, good job on not stuffing yourself TODAY. I also am in a bit of a dulldrums... for some reason I am not ready to leave the 300's behind so I am floating between 301 and 305 this month. I still know that I have lost 30 lbs and I am feeling successful in keeping that off... and for the moment that seems enough. I am planning to start moving down again in January.
I guess I am feeling that by maintaining withou****ching every bite I am proving to myself that I can lose and keep it off. Does that make sense?
I am sorry that your scale didnt give you the boost you needed. How about another boost? Maybe you could try a new veg that you have never eaten before? Maybe do a new exercise? I dont know - but if you need success to feel good today maybe you just need to find something creative and know that the weight will follow.
Keep on plodding forward.... it is all any of us can do...
and just in case you need one
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

Hi Holly,
A hard time? No. Not really. It is entirely ingrained in me. Do I have some days where I feel like I could have done better, made different choices? Sure. But no, not hard.
Middle ground? No, there is still no middle ground. I am still the same way with the all or nothing attitude and it actually overflows into my real life as well. I am that way with a lot of things, exercising, shopping, to name a few. I think it's just what makes me, me!
Maybe I'm just not understanding what your saying, but if your "eating at a maintenance level " and your use to eating less because you want to lose weight, that means your body isn't use to what your doing to it. So of course you would gain a little bit. So I'm a little confused?!?!
But I do know about "I'll fix it tomorrow". I'm queen of that! My husband laughs at me because I can give any explanation to anything I want, just to make it happen. It's our cop out, yes in our own little twisted way. Tough love to ourself is the only way I know how to fix it. Anyone else have any solutions I would love to hear it. But I think that's what this is all about. We have to "learn" how to eat right, and one problem is our minds!! Weight loss is so much more than just what you put in your mouth! It just amazes me. That's where Neece and Kitty also have been talking about. I'm really thinking about looking into an OA meeting. I tried once, but the meeting never happened. Maybe it's something for you too?!?!
Now, your wanting to move. :) I also want to move, but I'm also close to 40 years old and have alot of baggage that I have to deal with. If I could only see what my future holds when I was in my twenties! I'm not one to be scared of doing anything like moving or traveling alone. I absolutely love it, I swear I got gypsy blood in me. Unfortanately I married someone that grew up in one house and lived in one place where even his grand parents lived. Sort of sucks for me. But for you! You are single correct? Omg girl, make it happen! Only if you want it to happen though. Once you get married, or have a family it slows the process down a LOT. My dh was stationed in Japan when I met him. He was in the Navy on the Kitty Hawk and I lived here in Alaska. Yes..we met over the internet. :) I REALLY thought he would hate Alaska. Most people do after one year of living here unless they were born here or have a very athelitic nature in them. Soooo guess what happened....he loves it here! grrrr I thought for sure we would of moved by now. So.....don't wait too long if you want to move. Life's too short to sit and wait forever on things. If your trying to get things in order, then do it...and go!

as a fellow binger (in a past life), i can relate to that feeling of control. Those feelings are what made me realize I was using food as a drug, i mean binging was just as conscious choice as running down the corner to score. Living by myself, (which was lonely most of the time) not doing what I knew i was capable of, being broke, all those things made me feel out of control. Eating while alone in particular somehow made it all better. My conscious mind knew better, of course, all this happens on a much lower level. Those who of you who never binged, this is hard to grasp - it sounds so obvious, but trust me here, it takes a while to see what direction to take. Sonora, i have told Christa, now telling you...maybe losing weight is about one step beyond what you need to be doing. You have it exactly right to take a step back and get back on eating normally. Balance is the key...i have learned that when i give my body what it is crying for: fresh fruits/veggies, whole grains, less fat (but not too low), plenty of calcium rich foods and lean proteins, I crave less, therefore inclined to binge less.
As for other life decisions, I am sure you have heard that most old folks rarely regret things they have done even when it goes tits up...but the things never attempted...that leads to true regret. Don't let fear hold ya back. Having fear shows you have a brain to think out worse case scenarios and can you live with of luck here! luvs ya, and here is that cyber hug for your mood swing du i am going to hell anyway, may as well go in style! (((((sonora))))))