Join the challenge
Cool! I've attempted this before, stuffed my Tanita in the linen closet, and darn it got hard to try and get it, daily no less, from underneath the toilet paper and behind the cleansers, the broom and mop handles constantly falling on me as I tried to not move them much to get to the scale because I sooo needed to know. My trainer has for months said put it away and no, I couldn't. He'd check my Fitday reports and admonish me as he read the weight log and noticed nearly daily entries. I couldn't because I knew the previous intake programs weren't working in my favor and I felt the need to monitor so closely. But that things have been consistent, I think I'm ready. I'll take it a week at a time. Sunday morning, one last weigh in and that number will hold me for the wee****il the following Sunday for a check in with y'all. And that whole week, no thinking about numbers. This will be an interesting exercise for me as I think that by not thinking about every pound, I just might open my heart and head up to letting more numbers come, or er go, and finally trust that as I've seen in documenting my efforts, what I'm doing is indeed working....
Would love to see more join in.
Hmm, hmm, sigh....hmmm,
Thats a tough one. Like someone just said, it works for them. My thing is if I do bad, it's an instant reminder to get my butt back in the ball game. If I don't weigh myself, I tend to binge even more. Or occasionally that is when I fall totally off the wagon of eating right.
I'll have to think about this one a little bit. :D
man, i hope the flu isn't going around, i feel like crap today