Ahh....Cravings lol
Bah not pointless, you want fruit! :)
I just love the ones that have the ugly wrinkly skin, that's easy to peel. For the life of me I can't remember the name of them. You should look online at the ads of your local grocery stores. I know they are on sale in most stores around here.
Feed your cat popcorn, mine loves it!ha But mine also thinks she's a dog. Never seen such a needy cat in my life!

I knew it was the correct season...because volleyball was in the winter back then.
Seriously my cat also believes he's a dog. Well he's a kitten so he thinks he's a puppy! No joke. He likes water...really weird. If I leave the toliet seat up he tends to jump up stick his front paws in there and drink. Also he likes to run back and forth and jump in and out of the shower while I am in it. Sometimes I fill the kitchen sink up with just a puddle of water he jumps in there and plays around...weirdo cat. Oh and he eats spaghetti and anything else edible. His favorite are popsicles.
But I will probably buy a couple of cans they last me a while I give him only 1/3 of the can he doesn't really eat that much of it...more less he likes to lick up the juice and thats all.
I will give in to my craving of fruit...I really want it lol. Even if I have to hit up the boyfriend for some extra cash :)
I will probably go to the store after I take a nap, I just feel exhausted. I have been sick since last Monday I swear it is never going to go away!!! And plus i have been staying up late to watch The mini series "Tin Man" on the Sci-Fi channel. I am not sure if any of you have caught it. It is somewhat the remake of this day and age of "The Wizard of Oz" It is really good!!! The conclusion is tonight. But I will take a nap then go to the store...watch some biggest loser and sit there and go damit Christa they can do it why cant you...I say that everytime I watch it lol.