week in review...what went well, or not, and whadja learn?
Sonora~~ Try a persimmons, you might like it! Think of it as a cross between an apple and a pear. It's not squishy in the middle like a tomato at all.
Well although my week was awful I think I did learn one thing. I realized at this time in my life with food it's all or nothing. I think it all started at Thanksgiving dinner, thinking it's just one day kind of deal. I'll get back on track tomorrow. Well, for me I think it's harder than that.
Once I blow it, I continue, just like an addiction. It boils down too, all or nothing. At least for right now. I've also noticed my clear judgement of what is right and wrong (food wise) diminishes once I eat something bad.
So cold turkey is the only way for me I think. There is no middle ground here....for now anyway.