Up 2 pounds from last week :(
Darn it! I have been doing fairly well through the weekend- am actually GLAD to be back in a normal routine!
My mother-in-law got here this past week- we had like 26 people here for dinner on Thanksgiving- I sent most the food home with everyone else! I only made 2 pies (actually 13 y/o ds made them) and I DID over do it on that day. But I got right back fully on the program by Sat a.m.
Though I KNOW it is WATER- I'm still pretty bummed with myself for going UP 2 pounds :( I did NOT drink my water AT ALL like I am suppose to. And I was definitely retaining water.
Now for the FUN I've had with MIL this week :( She has ALWAYS commented on my weight. In past years she has actually bought me a 6 pack of LIGHT beer for my birthday! Mind you... I DON'T drink... and if I DID- beer would NOT be my drink of choice! But SHE drinks and actually sat down and DRANK the "birthday present" she brought for me LOL . Friday we went to the local lodge... a friend was standing next to me chatting and MIL spoke up and said: "You know, you would be a really pretty girl if you lost weight". She (MIL) USE to be skinny- some 20 years ago. But is quite FAT right now! But she feels that it's okay "when your my age" (83) This woman is bright as the north star! She is NOT senile in the least- that is just HER!
So as she arrived- she said she could tell I had lost weight and that I looked "good". The next days she mentioned my weight and said: "I've actually lost weight to- I'm not sure if you noticed but I haven't even been trying"............... Yesterday she baked a few dozen snickerdoodles and was actually trying her DARNDEST to get me to eat them!! My ds even noticed! She kept saying: "they are REALLY GOOD- you should try one" and crap like that. And she KNOWS I am on WW.
I never had any last night but I did have one this a.m..... DUMB MOVE! Those darned things pack around 500 calories!!! NEVER again! I just thought well, I'd just weighed in- if there was EVER a time to CAVE- it was NOW :) Not again. Not unless I check the points value PRIOR to stuffing it in my face!!
That's it for me! Bah- Humbug!
I had told myself...don't weigh yourself during the holiday. What did I do? Weighed myself the next morning. A week before I hit my first goal of getting below 300 and was 298. Then with Thanksgiving and allowing a few starches (a roll, a twice baked potato, and a bite of pie), I was up to 302. But I know it's impossible to have gained back 4 pounds. So if I were to have stayed off the scale, I would have prevented it from doing a number on my head.
And I'd forgotten my cycle. My t ypical pattern is down 2-3lbs a week for 3 weeks then up 3 lbs then starting from that point all over again.
My trainer suggests I don't weigh myself more than once a month and mostly I could do that now...now that we see what's working. But I want to know--that's the hard part.
Anyway, the point is, if you're doing what you should, regularly weighing offers you nothing you need, you know? My PTs point is, get on in a month and see wow, 8 lbs down, woohoo, not up and down, up and down.
Now back away from the what are they called snickerdoodles (and don't tell me what those even are!).
Water... water.... water... get your water in.... It does not take long for the body to retain water if it is not getting enough..... and high salt foods....and low water... bad joo-joo....
Get to chugging tha****er and you will be fine by Thursday!!!!!
<---------- That is water in those mugs.... not beer...LOL