Non weight related..Anyone know of a good karaoke system?
I started shopping online tonight for Christmas presents. I spent the last two hours looking at, and trying to find reviews of karaoke systems. I don't want a big bulky thing, I want more like a dvd player kind. I think a few of my kids would love it, but I'm having a hard time figure out a descent one. Anyone know of a good one?
BTW, I went to CompUSA three hour opening today from nine to midnight. I was pulling up right as they were opening the doors. The line was LONG!!! They were all acting like it was the five am specials for tomorrow! People were lined up all along the building to the end of it, which is a length of a little mall! My seven year old said "sweet, we get to go shopping in this".ha I informed her there was no way I was going in there for five dollar photo paper! Pure nuts!! I use to do it, but online anymore is much better
Have a happy and fun black Friday to all of you crazy shoppers!! :0)