GRRRRR and other stuff
I'm just so bummed. Lol, that made me chuckle....why, because I've been bummed almost nonstop today! Nothing is going right for me. I almost kicked my 18 year old out today too! Thanks to Jersey, she helped me get my head out of the gutter this morning. But now I just joined WW this afternoon (yay, I get to join all you weigh****chers now). Got all excited to start and just took out all my new stuff, spread it out so I can look at it all. I went online to put in my weight since they just weighed me on their scale. It says 260 pounds!!!! They are SOOO wrong!!! Grrr I'm so mad, here I can't even figure out anything because they messed up on my weight. :( Now that would be nice if I did weigh the 260, but 30 pounds off from my scale and the other doctor?!?! I HIGHLY doubt that! Plus my pants are still snug. hehe So now I have to wait two days to get my right weight. I think I can still figure out my points, but still...
Shoot, I was all worked up to play on the websight tonight too. :( GRRRRRR
Any one know if I can change my starting weight later on if I guess wrong??