Holiday plans? How will you manage it all?????
Hey Neecee,
Well, my gym is open on Thanksgiving morning so I am going to start there. Since I am going to my brother and SIL house then I don't have to worry about cooking. So I'm good to go there.
Now, the reason I know that I won't have a problem on Thanksgiving? My 18 year old won't be able to make it to the family Thanksgiving tomorrow. So we had a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. I ate some turkey, some stuffing and a little bit of candied yams. I was so sick afterwards I wanted to die. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo there you have it, I don't want to die or feel like I am dying. So there will be no screwing up for me, it's that simple. I really just cannot eat like that anymore, I'm physically unable to do so. So I'm safe
I hope you have a glorious Thanksgiving!!!
We're going to my sisters for dinner. I just woke up and weighed myself and already have gained four pounds back from last week. So otherwise I'm not in the greatest mood this morning. I'm about in tears this morning. I'm so sick of this not being able to do it alone. I'm pretty "down" atm, but after I wake up some more I need to figure what I'm doing wrong.
My mom and sister has been talking "behind my back" so to speak, debating if I'm going to eat the food there or have a tv dinner. It almost feels like their aiming to sabatoge my plans of not eating anything bad. If it wasn't for my mom having this "family time" issue of hers, I would just stay home. My mom had me take her grocerie shopping yesterday, was buying pies ect. She kept urging me to make my grandmas seafood salad. She was acting like it was a healthy dish...ummm no! She was getting extremely pushy with it. Finally I had to snap at her so she would stop. If I bring anything, it will be a green salad, or some other kind of healthy vegetable dish. Lord knows nothing healthy will be there.
This sucks....bahh humbug!