I need advice and FAST
First I have to say I've hesitated posting this here since yesterday. It's not directly related to food, but does have to do with being over weight. I don't have no friends (by choice), just family and I really dont want to talk to them about this.
My first marriage was abusive, especially mentally. Not to get into the tormenting details, but he hated me fat and let me know it in every way possible. I wasn't in any serious relationship between him and my now husband so I didn't get over my fears that my first husband gave me. I've been happily married for four years now and I've realized that not only do I not trust women (because of my ex and other things), that he made me TERRIFIED to meet other women and friends of my ex's because of what I look like.
I have gotten away from meeting my dh coworkers for four years. One lady in particular really wants to meet me. Dh thinks we will hit it off. She repeatedly keeps asking us to come over for dinner and drinks. I keep refusing. Everyone at his work wants to meet me. She invited us again tomorrow night. Dh kept asking me over and over last night if I'll go. I'm panicking because I know he wants to go, but I can't say yes! It's like every time I think of it I feel like I'm starting to have a panic attack. I guess my ex really played a good one on me. I guess I'm scared to make friends now because I'm afraid that they will back stab me. My ex use to always take girls to his friends, parties, etc., including my best friend without me, so I'm thinking maybe it will start trouble with Dh and I?? I don't know, but I'm panicking. I also get really BAD panic attacks and this morning I feel a bad one ready to start. I can just feel it.
Should I wait until my self esteem is better and I'm skinnier to face this? This is tormenting me. I don't know if I can do it. I know he's going to be calling soon, and I don't know what to tell him. I feel bad for him, we haven't done anything "social" besides just the two of us since we've been married. My dh knows about my past, but I don't think he realizes it's this bad.

Lordy I don't really know how to quite answer this. I don't think you are alone. I can't speak for the abuse but I can for the self esteem. When it is low it is low. I got to a point I didn't want to go out socially or even to the grocery store. But I had a husband who was proud of me no matter what (as I think you do now) and kinda urged me to go. You know what? Once I got there I had fun for the most part. I also know what you mean as far as the female species but I don't discount them all. As with men it takes kissing a lot of frogs to find a true trusting friend. I think that it just all boils down to us being humans. They may be just as scared of you. Don't take this wrong but I think possibly some form of therapy or support mechanism is needed to help you deal with these issues, there is no shame in it as everyone needs help from time to time (including myself).
All I can really say is that I feel for you and hope that you continue to be as open and honest about yourself because believe it or not I think you are on your way to healing and moving forward in your life. What you just confided took courage......a weak person could never do that!!!!
my ex did a very similar number on my head..... as long as you allow it to continue he continues to be in charge of YOU.
go - have a nice time and meet some new people. they will like you or the wont - but it has nothing to do with the size of your ass. I promise ;)
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
Thanks for the advice guys. He hasn't called yet, maybe he gave up.hehe It's really weird because I've never thought I had this problem. Yea, I knew I hated women (sorry girls ), and that's why I don't have any rl friends. Too many things have happened in my past with girlfriends. I'm pretty old fashioned when it comes to friendships, and now adays I don't think theres too many people like that around unfortunately.
I'm not like this around my old coworkers, or anyone that I know. I'm fine with it, and if they don't like me....I really don't care. It's JUST my husbands friends and coworkers. Sort of strange, but it's only them. Once in a blue moon we'll run across someone he knows in the store. My heart immediately starts pounding and I pretty much hide behind him if I'm able too. I just get so pissed at my ex for doing this too me. And Chunkymama, I see him all the time still. Skinnier than ever, but he's getting old!ha
My dh is a one and only. Before I met him I never thought there was any kind of man like him around. We were best friends for about a year or so, and I use to tell him I need to find a guy like him. He's younger than me, never married, no kids..while I have four, older, have baggage. Anyway, he is the most loveable, sweet, and sincere man I've ever met. He loves me for who I am and continously shows me. So if he is embarrassed by me, it doesn't show.
I did just buy me some new clothes while I was out shopping. I HATE buying pants so I've been putting it off. The good news is I found some, the bad news is I wear a 26 and not all 26's fit me...boohoo But that will soon change. :) I did find a real sparkly glittery ( I like bling bling..hehe) skull shirt!ha I love it, it's adorable! So if I have to go, I'll be as ready as I'll ever be.
Thanks again for the encouragement

I wrote a big reply and for some reason it refused to let me post it. So here's the short version!
Forget dinner for now- they know each other and it's on their turf. Even if you were a more confident person that would be a situation where many people would feel like a fish out of water- what if they talk shop? giggle as work jokes? what if they bore you witless? Nup- way too stressful for you. It's too long when you don't know them.
To help battle the trust issues I think YOU should take control. Organise it on YOUR terms- and keep it short and brief. Give hubby the benefit of the doubt and at least try. My suggestion: plan afternoon tea at a coffee shop so you can ease into it on neutral ground. (Make sure you have prior dinner plans so you can't be pressured into extending the get together).
If that works out then plan dinner OUT. If that works plan a few more dinners out. Then have them to your house for dinner so they're on your turf- if things are going well then you'll feel ready to agree to dinner at their house.