Mourning for...
You may not be able to change the past, but you can change the future so that you do enjoy life to the fullest. Even if you can't change everything, there are definitely some things you can. By getting your weight under control, you will still lead a more joyful and satisfied existence. Christa you and Sonora are still young. Don't wait till your in your 40's or 50's to make whatever changes that will make you be happy. It will be something you will regret. Trust me I know. There were things I didn't feel comfortable with so I would just avoid it. I should have done them anyway. I also should have put more effort into controlling my eating and exercising whether I enjoyed it or not. I hate thinking about how many years I wasted being fat. No use dwelling on what I can't change. I will never have the body I truly want, but that's O.K. I'll settle for one that is healthier, more energetic and just a happier me. Both you ladies are young and attractive so don't underestimate yourself either. Brenda
I have lots of scars, emotional and physical. They all contribute to the woman I am today, and I like me :) So I embrace my scars as a part of me. The saggy body and missed opportunities are just more on that same pile. They will contribute to the woman I am when that time comes. If I am happy with that woman then they will be worth it too. No time to focus on the missed opportunities - that keeps me from seeing the opportunity in front of me today.
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
on 11/7/07 3:48 am - CT
I like what Brenda said, she's got some good points. I'm sure you've heard the saying the longer you wait to lose weight the harder it gets. You guys are at your prime, and I believe your body still can look great in those bikinis or great perky boobs your talking about. The sooner you lose and get toned up, the longer you stay that way and excercise to keep yourself toned, the more opt you'll look "normal" like you think your missing.
I've been over weight all my life. My lowest was 190 whic omg I felt wondeful! My attitude changed, I was funner, I was healthier, I had more energy, and I was able to buy all the clothes I wanted! I was the biggest Victoria Secret fan at that time. I just absolutely loved it! Think that's what kills me most, now I got a taste of it so it really sucks.
Even though I had the most ugliest legs in the world. Losing weight so fast I had massive hanging skin on my inner thighs. I might add my legs are humongous, that's where I hold most of my weight. But even with that, I was still proud and happy that I actually succeeded in losing all of that weight. With the power of what your self esteem will be like will totally overcome your fear of what if's. Does that make sense?
So like Brenda said, look towards the future and stop looking back. Because you will be happy and blessed with a whole new you once you conquer your goal.

Wow, this is such an interesting topic to me. When I was in high school and college, I thought I was fat (160 lbs.). Now that I'm 55 yrs old, I wish I was that fat again. I'm now 230.
It all started after I got married. Marriage is hell on your weight. You have to cook for the family and you usually don't make time to exercise.
So, while you are young and single (if you are), please work on your health and weight. And after you're married, don't give it up. It's so easy to gain (as we all know quite well). Take care of yourself and your husband (mine also got fat). Keep active so that you can be the best that you can!
My advice for the day! Best of luck.