Help! I can't get on the wagon.
Hi I so know how you feel. The worse you feel the more you eat trying to close up that emptiness inside you or at lest that’s how a lot of the time I feel. I do have some suggestions for you. Maybe they are not the best but they might help. One thing I learned never go to the grocery store hungry have a snack before you like a apple or something. When your walking around hungry with food all around you tend not to make the wises picks. You could also make a list before you go to the store maybe allow your self one planed out treat that you put on the list and it wont be so hard to stick to the list that way. When your on the way home then and you pass those fast food places pull out your little extra treat you got and munch on it. Or if you just have to go to the fast food place order from the kids meal its still less food at lest. As for the holidays try using a small plate when your eating with the family. I know it sounds silly but some people have found they can trick themselves into thinking they have eaten a lot by simply using a smaller plate. Well hope I was some help never the less keep trying. There is no such thing as failure till we give up.
I'm with Neecee - You need to cut your goals down to individual instances. "This one time, I'll make it out of the grocery store with just the milk." "This one time, I'll pass by McD's and not get anything." After a while of that, you'll see that your behavior will change into good, not bad. That you'll gain some self control (and self respect). You'll be okay. I have faith in you.
I would stay to stop focusing on the actual weight loss and start putting habits into place that you can sustain. The numbers in the end are not all that important. It is the journey to getting there. If you are stopping at the fast food restaurants then make it a goal to stop there one less time a week. Start setting smaller goals for yourself so that you aren't constantly beating yourself over the head every time you "slip up". Make it one thing a day. Stopping at the fast food places can be your first goal. your second goal can be adding some steps to your day that you normally didn't take before. The third goal could be to add some more fruit and vegetables to your day. These changes have to be ones that you can make and keep for life. Losing weight cannot be looked at as a short term goal, it's a forever thing. Good luck!!!
When I am having a hard time I will watch shows like "I Lost It", Big Medicine, etc. It seems to help motivate me and make me realize there are other people in the same boat as me who have succeeded. Maybe reading books about weight loss and/or joining something like W.W. too. I was really addicted to fast food and I gave it up pretty quick, which surprised me. I worked on my mind a lot! I know for me I just got plain fed up with not sticking with it. I'm not perfect, but the difference is that I don't just throw in the towel. I pick myself up and I fight now. It really is within us all to control, it just takes a whole lot of practice. I always keep in touch with this board too. Good luck to you and YOU CAN DO IT!!!