Today is Monday- my WI day
I'm a little upset with myself BUT... not bad :)
Had I been more careful- I'd be BELOW that 200 mark. But I really had a stressful weekend and I found myself caving just a bit. Like 2 mini candy bars and just over eating some. I did WELL, until the grand ole WEEKEND.
So today's WI said I was at 200... which REALLY is kinda cool cause I had screwed up so much but was still AT 200! So I bet Monday WILL show BELOW.
Sat I had an all day class on Ped 1st Aid/CPR as well as adult CPR and use of the AED. That was like 7 hours but I came out of there feeling MUCH more aware of things than in the past. The new format is AWESOME! But stress none the less. So THEN here I was, thinking I'm in for a nice quiet relaxed evening cause ds is on a Boy Scout camp out (froze their Tooshies I might add!!) and little dd is in bed early... then my oldest dd called in a frenzie. I ended up taking 3 rambunctious kids for the night as her dh is a JERK and was on a rampage :( So while he was out there screaminh and hollaring- and punching holes in their walls... I had the 3 kids and was up till midnight- and awake again at FIVE.
Sunday is the day I really caved to much. I tend to do this if I've had little sleep and am dealing with stress.
So- there you have it! I'm at 200 and hangin :)
One way I look at it is this, think about the amount of time your body has been stabalizing at this weight. You realize the longer you are at a weight the less chance you will gain back. So when you start losing again (which I bet it will be next week), there's no going back into the 200's!! Make sense?? Your soooo close, I'm having good vibes for ya. Push a little harde and you'll be there!