October's Results..
on 11/1/07 11:07 am - Houston, TX
on 11/2/07 11:59 am, edited 11/2/07 12:12 pm - Houston, TX
Bren, here are the details.. It wasn't overnight, I've been losing for 7 years.. I'll give you a high level break down by poundage and year. 420-300 - Low Carbing in the first & 2nd stage of the Atkins diet, no exercise. (2000-2006)
300-270 - Meals that are mostly vegetables, lean protein around.. 1600 calories a day. + Walking 5 miles a day. (Mid '06) 270-300 - Stress of Work + Vanilla Almond Swiss Hagen Daaz nightly (End '06) 300-250 - Eating balanced meals, but mostly vegetables + Walking 5 miles a day. (2007) Right now I am consuming about 1200 calories. 800 is from 4 protein shakes, the rest from green vegetables. I'm also drinking close to a gallon of water a day, and doing a sloooooooow pace walk for a mile since I've had my knee surgery. This is just for now though. And yes, I am hungry. LOL. But you gotta sacrifice sometimes.
After the knee is better... its back to my old routine of 1600 calories + 5 miles a day. That was "Living the life when it came to food." for me, because I could eat anything I wanted besides fast food and high carb crap.
Some other things to consider:
I don't salt my food, its not in my house.
I don't use or consume table sugar, it's not in my house
I don't have "snacks", its not in my house.
I don't consume any fruit or milk.
I don't drink any carbonated diet/sugar free beverages.
I stay out of the aisles at the supermarket, I shopping along the walls.
I consume as much as I want of:
Non starchy vegetables (salad veggies, eggplant, spaghetti squash, etc.)
Cheese, sour cream, nuts, guacomole, dressings, mayo (naturally fattening foods)
Sugar Free Non Carbonated Beverages
I splurge on:
Sugar Free Candy, Cookies, Ice Cream, Ice Cream, Ice Cream , Pudding
Soy Chips
That's pretty much it as far as diet.
Now there is the behavioral side.. which IMO is the biggest factor in losing weight because it dictates eating in a lot of aspects..that's just my opinion. I'm still working on this. It's a life long thing.
Check out some of my previous posts, there are alot of details in those too.
If you got any more questions, let me know. I'll be happy to share.