Update from Preggo-land
I wanted to check in to let you know I am still reading all your posts. I am very inspired and felling very itchy to get started!!! I can't wait, for my baby and also can't wait to start my new life

I am almost 33 weeks pregnant now, still maintaining the same weight of around 149 kilograms. I lost 10 kilograms in the first trimester and remained the same ever since. Not bad

The baby however, is still in breech position. That makes it a bit uncertain how things will go. If he will turn on his own, I will have to wait it out which could last till januari 4th ultimately. If he does not turn, I will elect a c-section which will be around ecember 10th probably. So, exciting times... C-section will make it harder to start exercising

Well, I applaud all of you for being so good on track, you are well on your way of losing some more weight before the terrible holiday season kicks in! Keep the good work up!

Love from rainy cold holland
Hi Carina!
Thanks for the update.
Now, to say a caesar would make it harder to start exercising.... well I think maybe having a brand new baby would make it harder still! From what I remember about newborns they feed, cry, feed, sleep, cry, feed, need a nappy change, cry, feed, sleep, cry and feed- and that's only a 1 hour snapshot!
Remember to keep weight loss efforts realistic and achievable to start with regardless of how bub is delivered. Exercise will help elevate your mood from the endorphins- good for beating PND. Will you breastfeed? Apart from the benefits for your baby, it would also help you lose weight as it takes alot of calories for your body to produce milk.
You're doing a great job maintaining your weight- is the Dr happy with that?
Keep us posted about the breech position... give him a talking to from me- tell him to turn around pronto! : )
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
2 things: first, my sister just had a baby via c-section and lost a ton of weight afterward by being smart about food intake and breastfeeding. second, my friend's wife's baby was in the breech position near the end of the term and she went to acupuncture to try to turn it and the baby turned and then about four days later she went into labor!! woohoo!!
okay, since I don't have any kids myself, thats all I can offer for now :-) good luck and congratulations!