Today's weigh in
Well, today was my weigh in and I think I remained the same as last week. I've sort of messed up jounaling my weight loss so I'm not sure. Ya know, I'm happy it still is at least the same but I can't help but think that at my weight level it would seem like a person would for sure lose fast at first. Isn't it strange how ones body just holds onto it's weight? Anyone else who is around 300 like that? I started two weeks ago at 301 and now at 295. I'm not complaining, heck every week I usually GAIN a pound, has been like that for I don't know how long. I just looked and this is what I weighed last summer. But it just seems that I should even be losing faster since I weigh so much. Especially at the beginning. But remember..I'm not complaining! :) Any thoughts?
Well, I'm not at the same weight but still WAY over :( My answer is just as Brenda posted! Water Water WATER! LOTS of water! it's like the more you drink- the MORE you pee out! I can go out with my hubby- drink a diet pop... then drink water the rest of the night (I don;t drink anymore! LOL) and even if I eat a small baggy of cheetos... I'll still DROP a couple pounds!
I understand your not complaining... but it can be very frustrating to NOT see that scale MOVE :(
My advice is to log your weight the a.m. of day 1, and then- just for ONE WEEK... drink 64 ounces of water EVERY day. DON'T sluff off! Drink it *EVERY* day. Check your weight again *only* on the 8th day. (of course- do the usual cutting back of carbs/sugars/salts)
I truly think WATER is the KEY to weight loss- right along side sensible eating habits. Maybe even BEFORE the eating habits :)
When I have a difficult time sucking down my water- that is when I'll suck on a lollipop! (okay! Go ahead a LAUGH :) But it makes me THIRSTY! So I'll drink down a cup or two of water WHILE enjoying the lollipop :)
Hang in there- keep up the good work... you will likely see a drop next week!