Got a phone call from the doctors office a minute ago.
Well it looks like I'm here for the long haul. My doctors office just called and told me there is an exclusion on our insurance. I can get help from a bariatric doctor, but they will not cover any surgery. It's funny, I was leaning more towards giving it another really good try anyway, but when I heard the news I got really bummed and even sort of scared. I guess deep down I thought that this was my last hope. In case all else fails, this would be my last way to goal. So it's sort of a bummer. I asked her if they referred any other doctor. She asked the nurse and of course they refer the bariatric doctor I don't care for.
Sort of stinks...BUT I do have all the tools and diet that he put me on. So I guess I'm on my own!
BTW, how do you put your ticker on here, for the life of me I can't seem to figure it out.
I get how you feel, so well! When i looked into WLS with 3 other pals, I was thinking, oh well, whatever happens, happens. But when I got officially denied from my PCP as well as the local surgeon, I cried all weekend. Like you, I think deep down i had started to put too much stock into it. I, too, came to the realization I CAN do it. I needed help, but I could do it. you can too!!!!! In my very humble...and preliminary...opinion from reading only a few posts from you, i think you need more time anyway to get yourself right with food and exercise. You are admittedly somewhat depressed, and have some earmarks of having a compulsion with food.
Who knows? perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you this. And then, when the time is right, if ever needed, WLS may happen. Or, better yet, another less invasive thing will have come down the pipe and you (& me) will get down to where we want to be!!!!!