Not Weight Related
I know how you feel... and my prayers will be with you! I am the same way with flying- I always tell people the flight to be ON- is the flight *I* am on.... cause I pray HARD for WEEKS prior to departure LOL It HAS to be THE MOST uplifted (in prayer!) flight there is LOL
I flew from Alaska to Sea-Tac, then on to Dallas Ft Worth THEN on to Tampa once... I was scared to death!!! But I was going to get my new dd so it was all worth it :)
Hang in there! I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly!!
Sooo, I am here in SeaTac (?) the wasn't sooo bad, but I did feel really nauseated
and something weird happened. We had a layover in Denver and I swelled up like a balloon....luckily it finally went away. The night we arrived was the night that the big storm hit and we landed right in the middle of it. We had so much turbulence that its not even funny.... It was like a really bad roller coaster....So, I'm here now, tonight's our last night and we fly back in the morning...It's 11:00pm WA time, but San Antonio time its 1:00a.m. So, everybody I came with is so tired, except for me and another we're trying to find things to do with our vehicle, don't know where to go....oh well.....
It is sooo cold here and I am not used to 50 degree weather...hello, I'm from San Antonio......I have also been eating pretty good..not alot of bread......thanks for everybody's support........
So, me and some co-workers are going to try a new goal/game thing. We are going to put (3 of us) some money into a pot every 2 weeks (payday
) , at the end of 6 wks, whoever lost the most percentage of weight will win the pot. We'll so how it goes and wish me luck. I'm really hoping we'll keep setting new pots and new goals......oh, we'll weigh in once a week to see the progress of each other....they aren't as overweight as me, but they already know my weight and haven't criticized me at all, and I feel really comfortable with them......
