To go home or not....

I would not go home for no amount of money; or it would be dire straits if I had to. However, I also do not care for my mother; it would mean being subject to rules I do not care to follow. I'd rather get a room mate (and I know what bullsh*t that can turn into), but freedom is too precious. Plus, you will get through school MUCH faster if you are racking up student loans. At home, it is too easy to get all lax and flake out. Our kids did it to us...they saved money at home, sure...well kind of...they would party down, travel more, but invade our space meanwhile and NOT go to school. I could have killed our youngest son he was SUCH a flake. He's a better student when he's paying his own bills! Just my perpsective. Are you disciplined enoough??????
If I move back home there will be no student loans of any kind. I will be going to night classes for Cosmetology which I can pay for myself out of pocket like 300 bux a month maybe. If I stay where I am then I need loans and I dont want anymore. Plus I get along very well with my parents....I have come to the conclusion that I will be moving back home and breaking it to my parents today lol. My mom said I could if I wanted.