To go home or not....

Christa :]
on 10/14/07 11:46 pm - MI
VSG on 03/13/12
Well for the past month I have been debating back and forth. Very emotional about it too. My apartment lease is up next month. I really want to go back to school. If I stay out on my own I will have to pay most of my loan off before I go back and god only knows how long that will be. So after much thinking, stressing out, crying. I think I am moving back home. I always said after I moved out I would never go back because I didn't want to be that person. But i talked it over with one of my best friends who is a guy that I barely ever see because he is in the marines he called last night and he gave me advice and I gave him some. But anyways, moving back home is in my best interest. I can go back to school and pay for it on my own easily. My friend told me...Christa you have your whole life to taste freedom and be on your own. It just drives me insane being at home....basically i am gonna have to sit down with my parents and talk it all over. I have to keep my kitten I refuse to give him up. We have a dog at home a huge chocolate lab..he would eat the cat...if i have to the cat will live in my room with me. And he can roam the house when the dog is outside. I just so torn over all of this. I like being out on my own, I call ALL the shots I can come and go as I please, I can throw a party if I wanted. Mving back home plays in my eating habits as well. I was thinking about it. Yes i know I lived at home basically all my life and I got fat there too. But, if I am at home I won't go out to fast food as much. Because there will be food at home and I will just have to portion everything.  It'll be easier at home now I know what I need to do. I just felt like venting my feelings. I know it doesn't have much to do with weight loss or anything but I need to get all if it out.  Oh and I popped in my TurboJam DVD in last night...I was sweating lol. The people that live below me probably was wondering what the hell is she doing up there!



Chris I.
on 10/15/07 12:24 am
Go home girl!  I had to do it myself once or twice.  I was on my own at 17. My dad got transferred to Atlanta, GA 3 weeks before my senior year ended. I refused to leave.  At 19 I moved back in with my dad for about 6 months and ventured out on my own again. Later at 21 I hit hard times again and moved back in for another 6 months.  It was during this time that I decided to go back to school, much like you now.  I suggest you move back in and get some help and support while you go back to school.  Get your education and land a job in your career field and then move out.  There is no shame in moving back in with your parents.  Just think about it.. when they're 75 years old and move in with you do you think they'll be worried about freedom? Hell no, they're like FREE ROOM AND BOARD and NO NURSING HOME!!! YAY!! 

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
Christa :]
on 10/15/07 12:27 am - MI
VSG on 03/13/12

I will have tons of money if I go back home lol.  But I will be saving most of it for when I move out again lol.



Janine P.
on 10/15/07 2:05 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Girl, Go home.  Like your friend told you, it is in your best interest.  I'm 28 and I moved back home because living alone in New York is impossible unless you make over 60K a year, which I just don't do.  You're doing what's best; keep that in mind at all times.  After I lose my weight, my ass will be going back to school too (I just can't fit in the desks right now, literally), and I'll be living with my 'rents while I'm in school.  I don't care what it "looks like".  I need to live for me and if that means living with the 'rents to make my life easier, so be it.   You're making the right choice, Christa.  Smart girl you are.


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 10/15/07 3:59 am - Pembroke Pines, FL
I got married Thanksgiving weekend 2005 and about 5 weeks later I got laid off from the place I worked at for 7 years.  Then a few weeks later my husband lost his job too.  We ended up selling our place, paying off as much debt as we could and moving in with my folks.  We're still here, LOL.  It took us a long time to get back on our feet, but I don't know where would have been if we didn't have my parents.  My husband finally got a job that looks promising that he started this past August. You have the opportunity to accomplish something by finishing school  It's definitely worthwhile even if you have to live it home for a while longer.  You have a plan and I think that it will empower you to finish that and be making professional progress in your life.  I totally understand the fear of moving home b/c we often see it as what made us fat but it is a great opportunity for you to also try to deal with that as well.  Look at why you do what do and try to conquer some of those challenges while you are there.  This sounds like such a great opportunity for you!  Make the decision that's right for you and I wish you all the success in the world with whatever you end up deciding to do.
weight loss weblog
Neecee O.
on 10/15/07 8:01 am - CA

I would not go home for no amount of money; or it would be dire straits if I had to.  However, I also do not care for my mother; it would mean being subject to rules I do not care to follow. I'd rather get a room mate (and I know what bullsh*t that can turn into), but freedom is too precious.  Plus, you will get through school MUCH faster if you are racking up student loans. At home, it is too easy to get all lax and flake out. Our kids did it to us...they saved money at home, sure...well kind of...they would party down, travel more, but invade our space meanwhile and NOT go to school. I could have killed our youngest son he was SUCH a flake. He's a better student when he's paying his own bills!  Just my perpsective. Are you disciplined enoough??????

Christa :]
on 10/15/07 11:07 pm - MI
VSG on 03/13/12

If I move back home there will be no student loans of any kind. I will be going to night classes for Cosmetology which I can pay for myself out of pocket like 300 bux a month maybe. If I stay where I am then I need loans and I dont want anymore. Plus I get along very well with my parents....I have come to the conclusion that I will be moving back home and breaking it to my parents today lol. My mom said I could if I wanted.



on 10/15/07 8:47 am
I guess there are a lot of ways this could go. But my first thought is, I remember you mentioning how much you want to finish school. Cosmetology, right? How can pursuing something that truly fulfills you not help with emotional eating? Less space for the faux comfort that food provides, I say. If moving back home is the only way you can afford school, Please go for it!!!
on 10/16/07 1:14 am - Amherst, MA
My parents are the biggest enablers in the world, and although I love them dearly...I would fight moving back home for just that reason.  They used to do crazy take me out to the old country buffet where we'd gorge ourselves...then on the way home, talk about how much I needed to lose some weight.  Or, my mom and I would go for a nice healthy bike ride, then we'd go home and hop in the car and go out for ice cream (her rationale being that we would have gone out for the ice cream regardless, so the bike ride just helped cancel everything out).  My favorite though was when my father, who has been an overeater all his life, developed diabetes and started losing a ton of weight because he wasn't taking care of his diet...and then he'd boast about it!  "haha, i have diabetes so i can eat all this ice cream and not get fat!"  wtf!!!   Anyway, now when I go home I tell them that **** isn't OK with me and that I'm not hungry enough to go to a buffet and if I go for a bike ride, I'm going to go home and eat some healthy lean protein...but if I lived with them, it'd be that much harder.  They love that I've lost so much weight, but they don't understand what kind of undertaking it has been to do so, so for them they just think..."oh, julie's thin now she can eat with reckless abandon and we don't have to feel bad for overfeeding her."   UMMM...NO!   no to going home. but, maybe your parents are that case, go home, go to school, get yer education on and get the hell out asap.  
on 10/16/07 1:29 am - Lansing, MI
Go home Christa.  It sounds like you've thought this through.  Plus, didn't you already start the Cosmetology program?  Do you have a long way to go?  Getting a handle on your finances now is such a smart thing to do.  As long as your parents are supportive, and from the sounds of it they are, then this might just be the best place for you to be right now.
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