new beginnings
as someone pointed out to me earlier today (and no dont waste ur time trying to find it was on another site) that I know what to do advice has been given on balanced diet its up to me what I put in my mouth I realise she is absolutely right spot on so I have made a decision no more eating therefore no more over eating therefore weight loss will occur will still take time to achieve but it will happen tonight is the beginning of the rest of my life
heres to the slim me
healthy weight and slim
fit healthy and slim cuz I am going to continue with the swimming too
to success
God bless you all
Love and hugs
Apology accepted, Miss Vicky.
Now, I, for one certainly do understand eating disorders having perosnally struggled many years of my life. It takes personal commitment to put this at bay. There are people here among us who have not even faced the fact that they may have eating disorders - if they seem defensive, they seriously have not looked into their own mirror just yet - or have and are too hard headed to admit they cannot do this on their own. But that is not my job - or yours - to diagnose everybody else. We only need to keep our eyes on our own plates. But, back to YOU: Do NOT revert and pull inward. That is the kiss of death, a waste of precious time that you can be spending to get to work. Hey, we all feel like whining and pulling the covers over our heads at times. We do not give in to that very often. I thought there for a moment you were a put on mainly because your profile has nada on it, it would appear that you might be one of those weird people out there in cyberland who are actually making fun of us. I mean, to even dream that being able to stop eating is a viable option? Let alone the dark edge your post had..."don't try to stop me or check up on me" kind of vibe. I would like suggest that is you are for real on this, please: 1. fill in your profile, so that we can help you. 2. engage with us in posting by asking questions 3. do NOT withdraw, please for your health and for the love of others in your life (you must have family?) I feel very strongly that you can get help right here - but you have to put forward more effort than what we see. Best of luck and I sincerely would love for you to engage with us.