Done Whining
Well I weighed again this morning, I know I shouldn't, but I did. Looks like the 1 lb. is gone and I'm back to my 20 lb. loss so I'm happy about that. No more whining and I can look forward to more losses. Still not as gung ho as before, but definitely better than Monday. I still haven't gotten my exercise up to where it was. I have been feeling tired for whatever reason. No excuse though, hopefully tonight I'll get my groove on.
I think as soon as I see the scale moving again I'll get some more motivation. I know I would definitely like to see that 25 lb. goal hit. Hey I know, son is going to be gone over the weekend and me and the hubby can work off a few lbs. OH SO NATURAL ...LOL! ! I'm sure he'd be game for that. He told me he can tell I've lost weight, I guess he's telling the truth and not just trying to make me feel good. I asked him if he meant nekkid or with clothes on. He had the perfect answer, BOTH! Hopefully, it's in the BOOTY. Brenda