Is it resturants that make american's fat?
There has been much debate about nutrition info and resturants. Personally I think that basic nutrition info SHOULD be available on the menu. Even if we all understand that it is a fair estimate it would help us make better choices while eating out.
In a recent thread some expressed shock after believeing they were eating right when eating out only to find that the healthy choice they thought they were eating was as bad as a burger. So let me ask - If resturants had to give you nutrition data at the point of purchase would it influence your decisions? In your prior - bad eating habits life - would it have influenced your decision? Do you think that having nutrition data available on menus would make significant headway in the obesity epidemic?
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
I agree with your comment about portion size Bren, and I may well be shot down in flames for saying daring to say this... but I have Aussie friends who have either lived in the US or visited the US and their comments about American portion sizes are always the same. Basically that two adults could share one American serve from a restaurant.
Nutritional information is good, but sometimes it's difficult comparing one item to another if they are of different weight.
As for Mc Donalds... I was travelling recently and the only dinner choice was Mc D or Mc D's as it was a roadside meal on a highway- I NEVER eat Mc D's. Anyway, I thought I'd try their new healthy range so I ordered a Healthy choice tandoori roll. My comment to my husband after eating it: "If I am ever in the position of having to have Mc D's again remind me that I would rather go hungry".
There has been much debate about nutrition info and resturants. Personally I think that basic nutrition info SHOULD be available on the menu. Even if we all understand that it is a fair estimate it would help us make better choices while eating out.
In a recent thread some expressed shock after believeing they were eating right when eating out only to find that the healthy choice they thought they were eating was as bad as a burger. Yep.. That was me... with my Southwestern Eggrolls and salad....
So let me ask - If resturants had to give you nutrition data at the point of purchase would it influence your decisions? HELL YEAH!!!! Every meal on the menu ranges from 1500 to 2500 calories alone. So I make it a point to look up the meals calorie content prior to going to the reaturant so I can make a better decision
In your prior - bad eating habits life - would it have influenced your decision? HELL YEAH!!!
Do you think that having nutrition data available on menus would make significant headway in the obesity epidemic? HELL YEAH!!!
Honestly... reaturants are into giving you twice the portions and in our mental we feel like we need to eat the whole thing.... especially if we are enjoying and it is good....
I do not believe that restaurants make Americans fat. Going to a restaurant is a conscious choice. There are plenty of fat people out there who can't afford restaurants. However, the restaurants "beef up" their menu choices so that their items seem to have many more calories than ours do.
Even though I expressed shock at the amount of calories I consumed having a salad instead of a burger, my choice would have still been the salad as it is more in line with my program that I chose.
I think that having nutrtional information is not going to change the way people eat. Let's face it, everyone knows that an apple is better for you than a cookie, but more people choose the cookie.