A learning experience for me!
Since the beginning of July, I started exercising and watching what I eat (kinda).
I didn't want to be strict on myself because I've been there, done that several times. I just wanted to do a program that I could live with for the rest of my life. Not eat salads all the time, etc. cuz I'm not a fan of fresh vegetables.
Well, I know 10 lbs. in 3 months might not a big accomplishment for you, but for me it is. And it was VERY painless. I have not struggled much or craved much of anything. All I've done is exercised in the pool about 5 times a week (except for last week...I did none) for just 1/2 hour at a time, and cut out the Blue Bell ice cream that I was addicted to. I now eat sugar free, fat free fudgescicles or banana popcicles EVERY night. I do not eat at fast food restaurants anymore (although I am craving Taco Bell and have been for a few weeks now...I might have to indulge one day). But I do eat my white bread occasionally. (Hey, life is too short!)
And the kicker is that I now crave salads, broccoli, grapes, and more healthy foods! Wow, what a change in lifestyle -- and quite painless, as I've said.
The reason for this post is to say that although you may binge once in a while, it's not all in vain. Just start over the next meal and all will be okay. It might take a little longer to lose the weight you want to, but it shouldn't be a strain on your lifestyle and something you can not do in the long run.
I'm 55 years old, so if you're younger (which you probably are), you should be able to lose faster and easier than I. I still have about 60 lbs. or more to go, but I can't look at it like that. I just take it one day at a time, and if I don't lose a lot ,or fast, well so be it. I have the rest of my life to work on it. I just don't want to be in a wheelchair or in bad health 15 years from now.
I'm in good health (except for kinda high cholestrol). So if you're not, then never mind, do what you can to get the weight off to give yourself a better quality of life.
This is just my experience that I wanted to share with you.
Thanks for listening and, as always, best of luck!

Congratulations on the 10 lbs.! You are obviously looking at this as a life style change which is what it needs to be. I think it's great that you haven't had to make too much of a drastic change and it hasn't been a big pain. Everyone should do what they can live with, which is not going to be the same for everyone.
Keep up the good work!

A-A-A men, my SIStah!
All of the above. 10# in 3 months at our age - i for one do not discount that accomplishment. In this world of get it NOW!, that is far more realistic. I have been losing slower than that and being more aggressive. True, I am somewhat closer to my goal weight, but still.
I watched an infomercial this morning for about 30 seconds and the weight loss fill in the blank touted 14# lost in 2 weeks! The woman looked like she was perhaps 20# overweight to begin with, maybe. Yeah...RIGHT.
We should all be so grateful for even the tiny losses..or the No losses. Anything that is not a gain over time is on target.
You peeps less than 40 years old...take heed...it is MUCh easier at your age...be mindful that for a few small changes, by the time you are 50, you may not have nearly the weight problem most people have. Even previously thin people begin fightin weight gain pretty much at age 45-50.
Right ON bren
I am 55 too, and am losing weight slowly. I've lost 23.5 pounds since February 2007. I'm on a diabetic food plan (although I'm not diabetic) which I received from my doctor. It's 1600 calories a day, and I use fitday.com to keep track of how many calories I take in. I attend Overeaters Anonymous meetings once a week, work their 12-step program, and pray every day. I very seldom binge, and I am learning how to avoid binges. I agree with you about starting over at the very next meal, because that's what I do. I'm a recovering compulsive overeater, and some day, I'll be recovered, although not cured. There is no cure for compulsive overeating, at least that's what OA teaches. Good luck to you - you're doing very well.
Denise Phares/Kitties4
Well, Denise, thank's for your reply. Looks like we're the same age with the same issues.
Maybe we can be there for each other in times of trouble. I don't attend OA, but did in the past. I wasn't in a good group (evidently) because all they did was moan and complain.
Ever heard of TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly)? We have a group nearby and I'm interested in attending a meeting, but a little "scared" to go for the first time without knowing what it's all about and who's there, etc. I looked online, but didn't get much help. Do you know of it?
Since you're 3 months ahead of me, I guess I'm pretty much on track.
Thanks for your input.
EVERY single pound lost (whether there are 2 of them or 200) bring us closer to our goals of better health and longer lives. thanks for reminding me of this. It is something I am working to remember as my loss has slowed signifgantly this month.
well done!
What I've eaten is here for the world to see
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
Thank you ALL for the encouragement.
I do have a line dancing party tonight, so I did eat a salad for lunch since we'll have sandwiches, chips and cake tonight BUT we'll be dancing for at least 1-1/2 hours!!!! Plus I went to the pool this morning. So I WILL allow myself to eat as the others will do.
I just want to say, Violamom (Eliz.), that my grandmothers' were 98 and 104 when they died. Since, longivity runs in my family, I REALLY don't want to live any longer then they did! My 104 grandmother was the only one with her right mind in the nursing home. Wow, that gives me something to look forward to! LOL
I just want to be healthy and able to take care of myself. Not live longer, know what I mean? And don't want to have a stroke to disable me, etc. Do ya hear that, God? That's my prayer for today.
Thanks again, ya'll! Have a great day!