VSG on 03/13/12
This week will be better :) At least you had some FUN on Saturaday
My weekend kinda sucked to. I worked till almost 7 p.m. that night and had a garage sale on Saturday morning. Ran that with my 13 y/o till 3 p.m. (made $400!!) and had no time to eat right. So I ate probably a whole freakin bag of the natural Cheetos... I'm hooked on those!
Sunday I ate the darned cheetos AGAIN... not THAT many though
But THEN.... dear old son brings me a sausage/bisquit breakfast!!! So I QUICK looked all the food up in my tracker and found I COULD eat it (after taking most of the sausage/gravy OFF when he wasn't looking) And I ate it anyhow :) That left me JUST enough points to eat a Lean Cuizine for supper. Everyone else had spaghetti
What that did though, was to make me RETAIN fluids! EVERYTHING I ate yesterday was FILLED with sodium! I made sure and drank ALL my water but I hardly got rid of any. So this week I have to be MUCH more careful.
This morning... I had my spaghetti FOR BREAKFAST... that I couldn't have last night
Today is another day... a new week!!

YAY!!!!!!! Heroes is on. I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.
I have to have food in the house. That is where it starts for me too and then I would spend all sorts of money on fast food. The price of fast food has been going up here too. Congratulations on getting through without fast food. One day to me (on a bad day) could equal not choosing fast food 5 times! 5 times sounds a lot better than one day, I think so you go girl!
It's great that you have a gym to go to. I never thought about trying to work out on a machine and watch tv b/c my mind usually wanders. I'm used to having tunes on when I workout on machines although it's been a long time since I've worked out on a machine. Anyway, that is some major multi-tasking. Maybe that will inspire me to try using my ABS ball while watching Heroes. We'll see.
Keep it goin' girl!

VSG on 03/13/12
Every machine at my gym has it's own little tv. I put my headphones into it and listen while i work out which it totally keeps my mind off of working out. Until the commercial comes on then I have to find something else or my mind will wander and go oh man I don't wanna do this anymore. So every night this week something is on which excites me :)
I don't think your weekend sounds so bad. You're cutting back and any day that's fast-food free is great :) TV's at the gym are fantastic...it's too bad Rock of Love is ending this Sunday. That always gets me to the gym for a weekend day!
Also, if you ever feel you want to binge and would benefit from just venting instead...please message me! I can almost guarantee I will understand what you are going through and binges are my cause, you could say. The cycle just sucks.
My weekend...was pretty good! Had a delish family dinner and kept my pot roast portion way down as I was hoping I could. Did some jogging intervals at the gym yesterday which felt good! Yesterday's food was fine and I had a Trader Joe's blueberry bran muffin for breakfast and froze the rest of the 6-piece package...I need to remember to eat these ALL THE TIME. They are pretty small, but paired with an iced latte I found it to be a very satisfying breakfast. Surprising!