My apologies
What the hell!!!! I can't believe what I just read. You mean someone had the nerve to pull you aside (so to speak) and chastise you for sharing your victories with people on a support board? Oh, so it's okay to ***** and moan about how bad we're doing, how we drove up to the drive through and ordered two of everything on the menu, how we're too lazy to get our fat asses out of the bed to workout or how we just can't understand why we haven't lost any weight when we know good and damn well we ate enough during the week to feed a basketball team. All that's fine. But if we're doing well, eating right and otherwise taking care of ourselves and seeing some positive results. Well, we just have to keep that news to ourselves. I concur with Shari -- screw you!!!
Damn Tali.... You took it harder than I did...LOL Yes.... I was checked in the PM about my posts.... but since I have had a moment to reflect... I realize that I am not the problem... My successes, failures, victories of victorlesses will be right here on this board.. and the person who tried to "check" me... can press "block" or "igore" on all my Diva-ness!!!!
Well hello Mizzy Diva! Gosh, I dunno where I was when you posted this, so let ME apoligize to YOU for not seeing this!
I was going through post looking for that "how many calories per day" we need to lose, and I saw your post. Hmmm, well I must say I soooo agree with everyone's statements. And like Shari said...screw mean ya gotta be kidding, this IS a WL support site, and THIS forun IS Non-surgical...So? Geez, what a wierdo...I'm sooo sorry dear that you had to even read something so balantly ignorant! You keep on the way you are, you inspire ME! Now...I'm gonna post everytime I lose ONE flippin pound, maybe I'll get lucky, that rude A$$hole will PM me.....Ha! Come on baby, I'm Sooooo ready!
Dontcha mess with OUR Diva!
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