Need help and encouragement!
Hi and welcome! I think that if you change your habits now, and make plans for good foods, that are easy to eat once the baby is born you can have success! I will give you the same advice I give everyone...
1. Start a food journal NOW
2. water water water
3. eat every 2 to 3 hours, whether you feel like it or not
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
I feel welcome and hope to be able to contribute some support myself. And if anyone visitis the netherlands, I'll be your personal tour guide

Of course my intention is not to lose a lot of weight during this last stage of pregnancy. I strated out at 158 kilograms (348 pounds), and lost 10, as I always do. I am stable at 148 kilograms (326 pounds) for 3 months now. I would love to stay this, or not gain more than 4 to 6 pounds, or maybe even lose up to maximum 10 pounds. This is because I know in my last trimester I am getting full easily again, so not so hungry.
Hey, I should make a banner if I find out how

My intention IS however to get started IMMEDIATELY after giving birth. Don't worry, no crash-stuff, because I am really looking for something I can do the rest of my life now. And to get some good habits in place NOW, might help me after delivery.
So I'll take your tips: water! I have started to substitue most of my diet coke for water.
Journaling, will start doing this. I KNOW it works very well, the problem is always to keep doing it for the rest of your life... :-0
Exercise! I will try to get out and about more with Brent, but I am having lower back pains which make it impossible for me to really make a caloric difference right now. But maybe it is more important to set habits than actually burn fat now, right?

THANK YOU for your warm welcome to this foreigner. I WANT to make this work so that I can avoid the surgery. I am scared of the complications, the bathroom issues, malnutrition, skin etc etc. So I HAVE to avoid it!!!!
more water and less caffiene and sugar substitute is good for you AND baby - I read somewhere ages ago that caffiene and fake sugar actually inhibit weight loss. Caffiene because it gives you a source of engergy besides your fat stores and sugar substitutes because they can mess with insulin.
I dont know if that is accurate or not. What I do know is that since I dropped my pot and a half a day coffee habit and stopped drinking anything carbonated I feel better, I sleep better and I am losing weight. I drink one cup of coffee or tea a day now, and if I want it sweet I use real sugar. making a banner is easy. Go to and make one. Then copy the actual banner (not the code) into your signature.
I journal online and I carry a notebook. I write down everything I eat and unless I am at a resturant I measure everthying. Like other's here have said over and over - the only one who believes the lies about what we eat are us! The rest of the world can clearly see we overeat.
Do what you can for exercise. Maybe you and Brent can have "dance time" where you put on a great CD and boogie for 10 minutes. EVERYTHING helps and is a step in the right direction (says the woman who has not added any sort of exercise to her program yet - veggies first, exercise next LOL)
Have a great evening! (It is 9 am here, 5 pm in London... so 7ish there?)
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08
Violamom, it is 1 hour later than London here

About exercise. I really hate it, but what's new at my weight... I dread that I see NOW that I will have to maintain an exercise regime the rest of my life, or else I will fail. I will also have to journal the rest of my life. But hey, if I have the DS, I will have to monito (and journal) my protein and vitamin intake, and will have to execrise as well! So there's just no way around it.

Now that I am 6 months along, I get lower back pains. But I must try and do something anyway.
Yesterday the sun was out, so I just took Brent in his stroller and we walked to town and back (about 30 mins total in my wobbly state of walking right now)
Better than nothing, right?
Hey the dance tip sounds nice!!! Brent loves music!