VSG on 03/13/12
School started last week!!!! I am the Office Manager in a Middle school. That means
Orientation for 7th graders
Orientation for 8th graders -- of course on a different day
First day for teachers
First day for students
Open House.....
Need I go on?? aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Oh, also...
Every single day football practice for my son.
I get to work at 6:30 and pray to get out of here by 3:30 so I can go to the gym before going home and cooking dinner, doing laundry, cleaning, etc.
Who's got the mini-violins out now??
I'm lurking mostly, but I'm not gone!!!
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been MIA! There are 8 of us peeps (4 couples) who hang out together in my other than cyber world and we try really hard to do something for everyone's birthday! It just happens that 4 of those peeps birthdays fall between Aug. 30th and Sept 10th, so we have had quite a few celebrations in the last two weeks. We went and camped at the lake all week-end, sure was nice! Maybe the last time this year.
On another note, I am feeling a lot better emotional. I'm trying really hard to figure all of this out....just finally had to tell DH what an ass he has been lately, and thus far it seems to have helped! LOL!
Maybe when I go back to the doc she'll give me more info...in the meantime, I'm researching so hard my head hurts!!!!!