Hey Everybody,
Well, I am insulin resistant, have hypothyroidism, and am slighty anemic. She said we were going to concentrate on the insulin resistance since the other two may not be a problem once we get the blood sugar level.
I've been on the web trying to research this as all she told me by means of instruction for diet was no white sugar or flour, and to research the glycemic index online. I'm still a little confused and I know we had a couple of threads about it a couple months ago but I haven't figured out the search thing on here. Ya'll tell me what you know about how to get my blood sugar level.
On another note, my paperwork was submitted to the insurance company for lapband yesterday so I'm waiting on approval for that.
I have been so depressed lately because it seemed that no matter how hard I tried I was stuck and some weeks even gained weight. She said that the IR was probably the reason for both...the blood sugar drop caused my emotional roller coaster and had me fighting the weight loss to no avail. When I get all emotional I try to stay away from everyone I know because I feel like I don't want to burden my friends and with my moods. I also feel like no one supports me, like they try to sabotage my efforts because they don't realize how tough it is to have to worry about everything you eat or drink. I realize a lot of it is just me feeling down and they are not so they are just going on with life.
Anyway, enough of my pity party. I know you guys understand and I am so thankful to have a place to go where I can vent and nobody gives me crap about it. "Thank you for listening"!
Thanks Neecee, I needed a hug!!! I just don't feel like I have any energy anymore. I guess I even proved that to myself today, DH had to work and my daughter got up early and went and had breakfast with some friends, when she got home @ 1:30 I was still asleep.
Maybe if I can get my diet right, I will get more energy and not feel so "blah" all the time. You know it reminds me of being stoned. Ahhh, the memories.
hey Angela,
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I think it gets even more frustrating when our weight isn't the only thing that we worry about, but also some of the things that come along with it.
As far as what you read about the "white flour" and "sugar" products, otherwise known as simple carbohydrates, it's all true. I have been working on this concept now for at least 10 years. I was diagnosed with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) when I was pregnant with my son 15 years ago. At the time I was told not to eat white flour products, not too much was said about sugar. I tried all kinds of soy flour, rice flour, etc. It's a hard, hard thing to handle. Now over the years things have progressed to where we have wheat flour and wheat based, gluten free products. Then about 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Again, same approach, the white flour, sugar products. I think there is a whole lot of reality to those suggestions. I know that as soon as I stopped eating white flour products my energy level went sky high. I was borderline narcoleptic, take my word for it.
Good luck and let us know it goes!
Thanks Donna,
Like I said, I knew I could come here for support. You know, my husband hasn't even asked about what changes I'm going to have to make or how I am or even, how can I support you. NOTTA! His only words have been, see if you hadn't gotten on this eating healthy plan, this would've never happened. WTF?
I give and give of myself, but when it comes to me nobody around here even says, hey how can I help you.
I know part of this is just my depression but it makes me wonder why I try so hard when obviously noone else gives a damn!
I don't know. Men can be such asses sometimes! I think maybe it's more like he's living in denial. When I was pregnant with DD#1, (keep in mind we had had 3 miscarriages at this point) he never asked how I was feeling, never acted excited, never any emotion. I started crying because I thought he just didn't care. He explained that he was afraid for me and was worried that if I lost this baby he would need to be strong for me. I'm not sure how this relates but i'm sure that there is some screwed up reasoning there. Maybe if he doesn't acknowledge it...it'll go away.
hey Angie.... I just emailed you all the stuff
I have on South 'beach, and the glycemic index thing.
I know how you feel.. in the pits, and poopie, but remember, It's so easy to give in to those feelings, but it takes so much more to rise above it and get well.
you are in my thoughts... I hope you can muster up the strength to pull yourself up and get going to making choices that will help you not sleep in so late, and to feel accomplished...
Anything I can do to help... just let me know..wny questions on phase 1, or whatever...
I am feeling really good this week, because I have met my exercise goals every day, and I have not had any grains as well. I feel so much better, so much more energy, and just less poofie, more like I am caving in and my curves are peeking out, then feeling bloated like a rollie pollie...
The changes in diet that I have made have everything to with all of these feelings... You can do it girl!!!If I can do it.... believe me, you can do it.....