South Beach Day 1
Always remember the first week is always the hardest. We have to get used to eating few calories. It becomes more of a habit everyday. What brand of turkey chili does everyone like, or do you make it at home? I would love to start liking it, the only one I tried I didn't care for. I don't remember the brand though. Cheez-Its are made with enriched white flour which is a definite no, no and will probably increase your appetite. Trust me, I know all about cheez-its. You are talking to the chip addict! Your doing great! Have a good weekend.
VSG on 03/13/12
I make my own turkey chili. - 1 pound of ground turkey - 1 large onion - half of a big green pepper - fresh sliced mushrooms - 1 large can of tomato sauce - 2 cans of dark red kidney beans - 2 cans of chili beans - 1 small can of whole tomatoes (I crush them between my hand) - LOTS of chili powder I mean LOTS - some cayenne your liking.. I like it hot baby! - Salt, pepper, garlic powder I think that is all....oh it is so amazing! mmmm daddy's recipe :)
VSG on 03/13/12
You guys...
Atkins and south beach could not me more different....
Atkins clogs arteries
South Beach unclogs

- Fats: The most obvious difference between the two plans is the advice concerning fat in the diet.
- South Beach advises minimizing saturated fat such as not eating butter or the dark meat of poultry. The oils Agatston recommends (olive and canola) have a lot of monounsaturated fat. He also emphasizes getting adequate Omega-3 fatty acids. Agatston doesn’t mention Omega-6 fatty acids, and is vague on polyunsaturated fats as a class, but seems to say they are good.
- Atkins (using the most recent book), advises eating a variety of fats. Omega 3s and 6s are recommended to be balanced, which means that many oils that are primarily Omega-6, such as corn oil, should be avoided. Saturated fats such as butter are (famously) allowed in greater amounts than South Beach, but Omega-3s and monounsaturates are emphasized.
- Both hate trans fats (as well they should).
- Counting carb grams vs. carb portions: The way carbohydrate is accounted for is different in the two diets.
- Atkins requires counting all carbohydrate that is digestible; mostly this means carbohydrate that isn’t fiber. Daily carb intake is accounted for by counting every gram eaten.
- South Beach does not limit non-starchy vegetables. Other sources of carbohydrate are accounted for by the size and number of portions. Most people would probably find this is simpler than gram counting.
It really boils down to 2 things...
- Fats. The South Beach diet bans unhealthy fats but strongly promotes healthy ones.
- Carbs. The South Beach diet doesn't count grams of carbs. The Atkins diet seeks to change a person from a sugar-burning machine into a fat-burning machine. The South Beach diet looks at how much sugar is in a carb. Low-sugar carbs -- those with a low glycemic index (they don't cause the blood sugar levels to rise and fall as quickly) -- are good (this point may sound very familiar to fans of the Sugar Busters diet)