Must be a full moon!
I agree! Saturday was an all you can eat carb, fat, sugar, you name it fest for me...
I had waffles, Mc Donald's for lunch (double cheeseburger with no cheese meal) and then we went out to Cheddar's and I was going to be good but the waitress brought us free onion rings and then that was the end of that, had honey croissants and veggie alfredo. I am suuuuuch a stress eater and planning my wedding is doing me in - that's all we did all weekend.
Sunday I did get back on track though I was so proud of myself. Instead of saying forget it I'll just wait until Monday like I usually do. I'm jealous about Nickelback too that sounds awesome.
Nickelback was awesome!! Great show! I've got some pics on my myspace. They don't cameras so I had to resort to my camera phone and I'm still in the process of transferring them over to the PC. (Slow process, 2 pics per PIX msg..ugh!) <- In Pics under "Nickelback @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheater"
on 8/27/07 5:41 am - NJ