DESPERATELY needing an answer! RANT RANT
I'm going to challenge this as well.
I lost 68 pounds doing precisely that, in just over 4 months. Three pounds weights, short walks (a mile or less) and water aerobics to get my heart rate up. Seems to me that's pretty serious. And I did it while eating 1300 calories a day and felt very well during the process. Blanket statements don't work in weight loss. Too many variables to control. Not every 310 pound woman physically CAN do more rigorous need to discourage them unnecessarily. There's many approaches-- you find what works for you.
I'll say it again, it may have worked for some, it did not for me. I have always been very active and ate healthy and controlled my intake and I was unable to keep it off for good regardless of my efforts. Some attempts, despite the numbers, didn't work at all.... While I applaud everyone's efforts and am not here to discourage anyone (rather, just share what I'm learning), statistics do show that very few people keep weight off long term. I don't say that to offend anyone but explain why I wrote what I did. What my trainers were getting at seems amazing simple and explains why the majority regain. If you restrict calories severely for weight loss, you train your body to have to stay there for good, that's why it often fails because few can live forever on a diet. The belief for me is that when Iose weight, and adjust intake downward, I'll be better able to stay at a normal intake of 1800-2000 calories and maintain my weight loss without staying on a diet. Not trying to create a rumble here.....