Frustration vs. Determination

I'm an oreo freak myself.. my husband is a BIG time sweets freak. He has a special file cabinet! I don't allow the cookies and crap in the pantry so what he stashes in his area he stashes. I don't buy it, I don't clean it, I won't look at it.
Note: He is also wanting to lose about 20 lbs so it's a constant battle in the house. I prepare his lunch and freeze so all he has to do is take it out and put it in his cooler. Every so often I throw a monkey wrench into his plans by opening his cooler. Then I replace the chips with a fruit. He laughs (oh I got caught). Uh huh.. the cookies come out, celery w/cream cheese goes in!
i think when you're trying so hard to do this.. it's imperative that everyone in the house supports you 100% and makes small changes in their own habits to help contribute to your success. "HONEY, if you want it.. STA****". Even the "can't say no" woman is forcing some changes to this household!
I think you're doing plenty of exercise! It also doesn't matter if you do it all in one session or spaced out over the day. I walk for 20 minutes everyday because I'm forced to. I choose to walk an additional 5-10 minutes on occasion when I go get lunch. I walk instead of riding with the other guys here at work. Working uptown has really increased my walking. I lost my pedometer.. wish I could find that thing.. I'm curious to see how much I'm walking.. Anyways... The humidity is terrible. I don't blame you for not walking in that crap. It doesn't produce a good sweat, it produces an icky muggy sticky slimey oily sweat and I don't want any bit of it!