I want to join ya'll!
Thanks for the VERY warm welcome!
I've already been to the pool, now my sis and I are going to visit friends, then have lunch (salad, I hope I'm strong....I hope I'm strong), then we're going to sit in on a court hearing (murder). I've never been in a courtroom before. This should be very interesting.
I love not working! It allows me to do all kinds of stuff I always wanted to do. (I hope I'm not gloating to you workers out there. Don't mean to!)
Thanks again! Ya'll have a nice day!
Hope to chat again soon.
No not at all! I actually enjoy working. I've been on the other side of it as well. I find that when I'm not working I just sit at home and play games, watch tv, etc. However, I did eat better during those times. For one, I was broke, two I didn't feel like going out to eat so I cooked at home. Homecooked items are generally always a better choice than eating out. But living the sedentary lifestyle that I did when not working the healthier foods didn't help much. :)
Hi Brenda,
I too was scheduled for RNY on July 26 but at the last minute I canceled. It just never sat right with me. I know others that have done wonderfully but at age 43 and weighing 230# after the pre-op
required weight loss I decided I'd give it an honest all out effort on my own.
I am a divorced mother of three and a Recovery Room RN who works three 12hour shifts a week.
I'm going to check out the FitDay thing today.
Look forward to talking to you at a later time in our quest to be thin