
Found this "boot camp".

Chris I.
on 8/7/07 12:33 am
So I went to Just Fresh yesterday to have a Lil Red Rooster. (Ohh soooo goood by the way!) There was a Creative Loafing newspaper on the table near me so I started flipping through it as I was eating my fruit cup and I came across this ad for a boot camp. What caught my eye is where it's held at. The Peaceful Dragon is a martial arts studio here in charlotte that teaches Tai Chi, Shaolin KungFu, Yoga and other arts.  I've done martial arts in the past and have absolutely loved it. As of late I've been really thinking about getting back into it since I can't seem to stick with anything else. Well then I saw this add for the boot camp. It's not being offered by the peaceful dragon but rather by one of their instructors on their grounds.  I'm really thinking about going to it and was wondering what you guys thought about it. I was kinda hoping that this could help me to focus on 'loving me' so to speak.  Right now I hate myself and I hate the fact that I hate myself.  I'd love to be at peace with how I look.  I know that once I get there that I am sure to overcome this monster. Please take a look at the website and give me your honest opinions! http://www.lynsbootcampthatworks.com/

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
Angela B.
on 8/7/07 12:56 am - Somerville, AL
Interesting...you'll have to keep us posted, and share a few of those secrets...Hahaha!

10/4/07 surgery 265, 11/7/07 1st fill  252, 12/27/07 2nd fill 243, 1/16/08 234, 2/27/08 3rd fill 230, 5/18/08 209, 6/12/08 home scale 200!!!!!!!!!!! 10/22/08 1 yr......184, 11/4/08.....170, Pouch dilation in April 10, complete unfill. Starting over! 7/29/10-175    

on 8/7/07 2:03 am
I've been considering taking tai chi lessons sometime in the upcoming months.  I think it's an excellent low impact martial art that will help me build muscle and stamina.  It also may be a doorway to other martial arts in the future.
Chris I.
on 8/7/07 4:14 am
I don't know much about Tai Chi but I understand it really helps you mentally as well as physically. Much like yoga I suppose.  I really loved Tai Kwon Do and will probably pick it back up someday.  I'm fascinated with Kung Fu, not the cheesy stuff kids want to do these days, but true kung fu.  Have you ever done any martial arts at all?

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
on 8/7/07 4:33 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
TAI CHI WARNING: (That sounds funny!) Four years ago (also known as 60 pounds heavier) I was swimming daily and feeling pretty fit and signed up for Tai Chi-- I liked the idea of peaceful integrated movement--- I thought it'd help me develop some power and balance. Plus-- well-- it looked like an easy place to start land exercise. Problem is: it's not if you're supersized. The simple, slow movements use your weight as resistance. Say the 130 pound instructor takes 30 seconds to move his 25 pound arm from left to right-- and you have to go just as slowly and move your 75 pound arm the same distance-- and he's in shape and you're not. It can be unbelievably painful, despite the fact that they say it's doable at "any size." I love the concept but decided I need to be in better muscular health before I take Tai Chi again. Best thing is to hit a "sample class" if you can, and see how you do, before you commit your wallet. Pilates can be very similar. Any class where you use your body weight as resistance can be very hard for supersized people. Until you are very secure in your muscularity and mobility, be cautious! My plan, then? Continued water exercise until I am healed. Weight training in about three to five  weeks, maybe also relaxation yoga. Adding in regular yoga, then Tai Chi and Pilates. Who knows if I will ever get there?

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

Janine P.
on 8/7/07 2:17 am - Long Island, NY
Chris, I think it's a great idea.  Invest some time into yourself, work out, help your weight and fitness - great idea.


Janine   Me on Youtube 


Chris I.
on 8/7/07 4:15 am
What do you think about what the site says? ( I know it's a lot to read.)  Does it sound like a gimmick or does it sound like she knows what she's talking about?  I haven't gotten any prices yet but I'm fairly certain it's not cheap. I'm betting it's going to be $500 to $1000 for the camp.  I'd hate to shell out money like that and it be worthless.  I have submitted the online form.  Haven't heard anything back yet but then I can't check my home email from work.

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
Janine P.
on 8/7/07 5:16 am - Long Island, NY
Well, I read through her website and I have to say, that her site is a little lame.  She is certified and stuff (I googled her name and verified her credentials).  I would say it depends on the price as to whether or not it's worth it.  If she's charging an insane amount of money for this, hell no - run for the hills.  But if she's charging a reasonable amount for this program, I'd give it a shot.  She seems to hit topics that obese people face as problems.  She does knock out the eating and exercise issues in her plan.  If it's cheap enough, I'd say go for it.  Worst case, you learn a thing or two.


Janine   Me on Youtube 


Neecee O.
on 8/7/07 4:34 am - CA

Overall, I would try it.  My comment is that this Saturday is the lead in to her package deal, though, and who knows what amount of dough-re-mi that is.  As I said, on my list is a yoga retreat.  i want to get into my yoga way more than I am. It is a lot more challenging than anyone thinks.  The other thing is why not pay for martial arts classes? start with once a week, dude!

Chris I.
on 8/7/07 4:43 am
I thought about that too...  For whatever reason I felt like this would be a good place to start because she's got so much experience with proper nutrition, exercise and dealing with the overweight person's mental state.  Figured once I got done with this I could move on to the martial arts. I'm afraid if I go right into the arts that I'll quit like I quit everything else.  Gah, can I whine about being a quitter?

 -=- CHRiS aka "Butterfinger Ho" -=-   

                                         40 lbs lost while pursuing surgery.
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