Calling all Mothers

I was 27 when I was pregnant with my son. I dont know how much I weighed when I got pregnant but I was wearing about a size 22 and I am 5'6
John was full term - actully late by a week and a half. I had a wonderful pregnancy. I actually LIKED being pregnant! I went into labor but did not dialate past 1cm. John had a BM in utero and went into distress. none of this was caused by my weight, but I did end up having an emergency c-section. the one thing that was caused by my weight.... they took the staples out of my incision about 24 hrs after I gave birth and sent me home. A few hours later my incision burst. It seems no one considered what would happen when the fat girl started to have swelling! They were not able to stitch me back up so for several weeks I had to have my incision washed and packed a couple of times a day. If I could do it all over again I would insist that they actually put in stitches and not just staples and I would ask them to use a drain. Fat people retain water people! lol John was born a happy and healthy 7 lbs 8 oz and was 21 inches long. He will be thirteen next sunday :)
336.1 (8-1-07)/319.0 (12-28-07)/200 (goal for 12-31-08)/160 (goal)
Next mini goal is 290 by 1-31-08

I have 2 boys - 17 and 11. I was 23 when my first was born. Starting weight was about 210. Gained 18 pounds during pregancy. Had Gestational Diabetes and had to take insulin shots starting at 6 months along. Very uneventful pregnancy. Zero morning sickness or other problems. He was 2 weeks late. Labor took 10 hours - not too bad. One piece of advice -- GET THE EPIDURAL!! It made such a huge difference. I was pretty much a lump on the bed, moaning through the contractions and not able to talk. Once the epidural was in within 10 minutes I was sitting up, laughing and talking a blue streak. There had been practically no change in my dialation for 4 hours - but after getting the epidural I was told I was ready to start pushing within 1/2 hour and he was out after 10 pushes and 1/2 an hour. They rushed him out of the room for oxygen because the cord was around his neck and he was a little blue. He was fine and they observed him for 20 minutes and then brought him to us. Jordan weighed 8.5 pounds and was perfect.
My second pregnancy was completely different. I was 29 this time. I started throwing up at conception!! And didn't stop until almost delivery! I was green day and night. Got GD again and started taking insulin at 12 weeks along. The doctor was chasing my blood sugars throughout and had to keep upping my insulin shots. I had mild contractions starting at about 4 months, had to stop work at 5 months and go on bed rest for a month. Went to the hospital Labor Triage 2 times a week from 5 months to delivery to have non-stress tests because of off and on contractions. When I was around 36 weeks along, the contractions wouldn't stop and was put in the hospital and given Magnesium to stop them (which was awful). It made me super nausious and I threw up after just 1 bite of a roll. They couldn't stop the contractions and did an amniocentesis to check his lungs. After I was in the hospital and on that sucky Magnesium for 2 days they told me his lungs were mature and it was ok if I went into labor. Of course, my contractions (that I had been having non-stop for 4 months) chose that exact moment to stop - and didn't start up again. I went home from the hospital and waited. About 2 weeks before my due date my water broke. Delivery was uneventful - but quick. It was only 4 1/2 hours between my water breaking and cutting the cord. The hospital actually gave me drugs to start contractions. Yes, I got the epidural again. Logan weighed 7.8 pounds and was perfectly healthy. With this pregnancy I was actually 40 pounds lighter from my pre-pregnancy weight of 260 just 1 week after delivery. I attribute that to the diabetic diet my doctor had me on during the pregnancy. Overall, both were pretty good pregnancies. Gestational Diabetes carries the risk of having an overly large baby, but both my boys were pretty normal. One of my friends that had GD with her first pregnancy delivered a 10.4 pound baby girl. She looked 3 months old compared to the others in the hospital nursery. Remember that a pregnancy while obese and/or having GD with pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy and you need a doctor accustomed to these types of pregnancies. Be careful and best wishes!!

Starting: 283 Current: 225 Goal: 150