how can we use Ebonyangel's wisdom????
I am different today!
THEN: I used to freak out when the scale reported a bigger number.
NOW: I get a plan and take that information very seriously. I understand that it is just a number, but an important indicator of my health that I must not ignore or react to in a destrutive way.
How about calling it our Then & Now post???
I think this a great idea Neecee. However, I don't know that I'd have anything DAILY to share, I'm not that deep. LOL But definitely weekly!!!
I can't say that I have adopted new thoughts yet, but I am paying lip service to a lot of them. My most important goal is to start celebrating my good and stop lamenting on what is still bad. For me that is big. I want gratitute not selfishness!
I thought it was a great post too, but I haven't changed.
I still look at my numbers as positives and negatives upon myself and my behavior (ie: if the scale goes up, I'm a bad person). I still look at food as a necessity to my bad habits rather than fuel. I still eat to mask my feelings.
So I'm going to suck at that thread.