Acceptance.... Thanks Family
Diva, Amen!!!! And good for you. I'm glad you feel this way. I had a friend send me an e-mail after I was complaining about not being "perfect" even after 2 rounds of plastic surgery. She said much of what you are saying now, and it really hit home for me. Good for you and continue with this amazingly positive attitude!!!
Oh Thanks Tali for the post reply suggestion!
Diva, good for you. It comes with age, okay maturity. I have to accept my mother as she is, warts and all. You are there too. There is so much stuff between parents and children, it is really complex. I know for me, I can love other parts of my mother, not the negative mean side she has. (in her case, she doe not criticise exactly, just rubs funk all over everybody). I want to look back on her remaining years and not be ashamed of how I treated her, regardless of how she treated me. My mother is not capable of showing unconditional love. I needed to let that go and I did.
Once in a while, parents/other family members need to be run off, or at least strict boundaries laid down. That is up to the individual on when/if this happens.
Welcome aboard.
VSG on 03/13/12
Christa, sometimes, those little things ARE little miracles in our lives, messages from God!
Once, when my MIL was missing her dead hubby, she got out of her car after crying a bit at the store and on the gorund was a greeting card someone had dropped. the card's message..."Honey i miss you."
How about that for a little miracle?