Let's keep talking
I feel like I am on the middle of the fence - I agree with both sides of the argument here but I lean more towards the addiction side. For me, I haven't quite gotten a grip on totally changing my eating habits & lifestyle quite yet. I still crave the bad foods even though I know and can feel the damage they do. I still want eat them even though they make me feel like crap later. I've been on Alli about 2 weeks now and I just finally had TE today because I finally accepted I am an emotional eater and felt that I had to have chinese take-out after dropping my DH at the airport last night. I absolutely can't have bad foods in my house right now. I try to stay away, but if I know they are there and I will think about them until either one of three things happen - #1-I cave in and eat it or #2- I have to leave my house for a walk (still thinking about the bad food) or #3- I will get up and throw it away. I am starting to accept that it's ok to waste food. I don't have to finish every thing on my plate. The cravings sometimes are so overwhelming I feel like I'm out of control. I beat myself up mentally because I can't stop thinking about food. I have tried letting hubby and kids order pizza, but literally as soon as they are done, I have to go throw the leftovers in the dumpter or I will gorge myself almost mindlessly. I feel good while the melted cheese is sliding down the back of my throat, but 10 minutes later I feel awful - why and what the hell did I just do to myself?!?!?! But, on the other hand I don't want to say that I have an addiction to take the blame off myself. I am responsible for my weight & I am the only one who can fix it. I am the only one who can put the right foods in my mouth. I am the only one who can put the bad food in my mouth if I want, nobody is forcing me to.

Thanks for the info. I'm buying this book. Christa, if you'd like a copy just send me your address and I'll have one sent to you as well. I read the first bit of this on amazon and checked out the reviews. I believe it may help me to understand why I do what I do. It really makes sense and from what I can tell expounds of what many of you already know and tell me on a daily basis. :) For example take the excerpts below. These really describe me to a T. Is this addiction to food..??? Hell if I know but I think the book can bring me one step closer to the answer...seeming as though my insurance won't pay for me to see a shrink about weight loss...
"If you're a compulsive eater, you spend your days fighting your desire to eat. Some days you give into your desire and scream at yourself for your lack of willpower. Other days you resist the desire and feel virtuous and worthy of praise. On any given day, however, much of your mental life and energy is absorbed by thoughts about your eating, your weight, and your plans to control both. You've probably thought about these topics continually for years. It may appear to others that you are leading a hum-drum life, average life, but they don't see beyond the surface of your daily activities. Despite appearances, you know that you are constantly preoccupied with painful thoughts about your body and eating. These thoughts envelop you, because compulsive eating is much more than an activity--it's an all-absorbing state of mind."
"Self-Portait: Complusive eaters share not only their compelling need for food, but a view of their problem as well. All compulsive eaters consider themselves lacking in discipline and willpower --self-indulgent, greedy, infantile, out of control, weak, disgusting, and most important, fat. "