6-Month Challengers - How Are You Doing??
I am doing OK. Some days are better than others, of course! The only thing that is bugging me is that if I hadn't had so many bad days (binges), I could have lost a lot more! But I expect to hit goal or below. Below only because I was probably retaining a ton of water at the time I gave my starting weight but...whatever! I'll take what I can get at this point.
Otherwise, my biggest struggle right now is just wanting to be smaller so damn bad. Confidence regarding my appearance is definitely at an all time low. It makes every day pass like a month and every week pass like a year! UGH!
I had emergency gall bladder surgery on Sat. 7/7/07
and gained a bunch in fluids (IV bags everywhere)! Got discouraged and have been staying away from the scale so I have no idea how I am doing other than I know my food choices have not been as good as they could be. I go back to work tomorrow and it will help to be back on a normal routine. I don't plan on weighing again until the end of the month.

Kelly A.
on 7/18/07 10:59 am - *, VA
on 7/18/07 10:59 am - *, VA
I would say the last two weeks have been a struggle for me. I do pretty good eating on plan for a few days then I will slip up and eat something not so good. Of course then I get right back on it but it has been hard. I did start Alli last week and I have actually kept close to the recommended fat intake of 19 g a meal. No problems with TE so far.
Hubby is bored with the good food, he wants fat, greasy stuff. Pizza, cheeseburgers, chips, icecream and none of it in the sugar free or or low fat versions. So I am fighting myself as well as him at this point. Anybody have any suggestions on what to do with a hubby that is turning in to a hungry bear? I have to lose this weight.
oh. my. god. i totally forgot. ahh! not good. i have been doing horrible. i havent even tried working out, nor have i gotten on the scale in weeks... kinda scared actually... man... i had one bad day that turned into a week, then two weeks and now, here i am. i keep saying... well ill start over monday... then monday rolls around and im still awake at 9 in the morning, finally go to sleep and wake up at... 5 pm. its crazy... need to get back on track.