Am I a wimp????
Maybe this is a simple and rather elementary issue, but I'm stumped by it. Okay, I have been an avid gym goer now since October, 2005. I go at least 3-4 times a week, faithfully. Before my LBL I could easily do 50 minutes on the elliptical and then the circuit or a class before heading home. Since going back after my surgery (just about a month now) I am up to about 40 minutes on the ellip, and then the circuit or the class -- pretty much back to normal. Okay, so last night i decide to do a new class that they are offering called Group Active. I decide to do it after my weight lifting class - Group Power -- which is basically 1 hour of lfting weights to music. It is my favorite class!! Anyhow after GP I decide to stay and do GA, which I did. I made it through the class fairly easily. I didn't like it so much, honestly it wasn't that challenging. Wellllllllllllll, I get out of there at 8:30 and by around 9:15 i'm feeling really fatigued. By the time I went to bed I was in a semi-coma!!!! When I woke up twice in the night to go to the bathroom I could barely move. This morning I am so sore and so tired and I have such a massive headache!!!! What the heck is wrong with me? Okay, I'm a pretty smart chickie. Perhaps I'm just not usd to working out this long? My workouts usually don't exceed 1 1/2 hours so this was 2 1/2 hours. I've done this once before, taken classes back to back, and I was just as wrecked the last time. I see posts about people spending whole days (slight exaggeration) in the gym. Are these people conditioned differently or am I truly a huge wimp? I do tend to do everything to the nth degree, so I know that I normally push myself during my workouts. I'm just confused as to why I am so sore and so tired today, when this whole exercise thing is definitely nothing new to me
Any insights for a wimp???