Thinking About A Challenge
Hi All,
I know that there is a 4th of July challenge going on now and I'm thinking about a challenge for myself. Beginning July 1st, I'm challenging myself to lose 50 pounds (which would bring me to 199) by December 31st. That would require me to lose a little over 8 pounds a month, which I know is quite a stretch. So, this challenge would be more for fun (although I will do my best) than anything else.
I was wondering if anyone else would like to give themselves a 6-month challenge of some sort and join me. Please think about it and let me know your thoughts.

Hi C -- Yeah, I think I'm gonna just keep it at one overall 6-month goal. Of course you can set mini personal goals for yourself. About setting your goal, you know from past weight loss attempts how much weight you normally lose and how fast right? And don't forget to take the holidays into account. It doesn't have to be an exact number just a number that you feel comfortable with. Not so low that you're not challenging yourself and not so high that it's impossible to make and you become discouraged. I think that I will post everyone's losses at the beginning of each month, the cumulative losses and, of course, the grand total on December 31st.