Hi I am new to the group
on 6/22/07 3:51 am - *, VA
I just wanted to say Hi, I have been on OH about two weeks. Bascially getting the feel of things here and doing some major reading. I was seriously considering WLS before coming here because one day I woke up and saw 280lbs on my scale. I don't know why that number, but it really freaked me out. All I could think was that this is it, I have to do something. I just started thinking of if I go any further, I fear that someday they will be cutting apart of the house out just to get me out of here. After much reading I have decided to give a hard honest attempt at changing my lifestyle, me and the foods in it. I know that WLS now is really only a tool and only works if you can change your life as well. So If I can't change my lifestyle without surgery what good would it do. I know I didn't want anything drastic for sure like having my insides rearranged. I may need to go that route oneday, but I want to try this way first. So now two weeks into the rest of my new life, I am pleased to have lost 5lbs. My Fasting Blood glucose is down in the 120's yeah!!! (I am type 2 Diabetic). Hungry at times. Confused at times as what can I eat without totally blowing all my hard work. I am patiently awaiting a package from a very dear person I have recently met with a lot of her recipes and things she has done to change her life. I am so looking forward to that. She has been so successful for over 2 years now. Before Finding OH I was at a total loss of what to do. I look forward to new found friends and all the support here.
Oh Kelly, our stories sound so similar that it's kinda freaky. That magic scale number for me was 256. I had never gotten over 250 and I panicked when the scale with higher (read my story on my profile). I too decided that I'm going to try to lose this weight without WLS by changing my lifestyle. So glad you're here.
on 6/22/07 4:04 am - *, VA

welcome kelly! congrats on your 5 lbs! that's a nice chunk to start off with. i was also 280 at my highest. it can be done. just treat yourself well, go with moderation and drop the diet mentality. there is nothing that can't fit in to a balenced, healthy diet. it just takes planning and awareness and honesty. so if you eat a bag of 240 calorie M&Ms when you go to the movies, that's okay. just make sure you account for it in your food journal and plan around it. do lots of reading and figure out a plan that will work for you LONG TERM.
good luck with your continued success!
on 6/22/07 12:13 pm - *, VA
"I am on turtle speed... but hey... We can walk, run or crawl to our goals together...."
Lol, That made me chuckle. Diva, thank you. Oh I know 280 is no where up there, but those are the thoughts and fears to come to mind after that light bulb turned on in my mind. Like if you don't do something now about your weight, it could very well be you, kind of thing.
on 6/22/07 12:00 pm - *, VA