OT: Teenage Drivers
I have a 17 and 14 year old, both boys. My oldest has had his lisence for a year now. When he first got his lisence he sideswiped a telephone pole at 6 a.m when he was coming home from a friends house. We are all still trying to figure out how he did that!!!!! He has gotten MUCH better.
Yeah it makes me feel old too!!! When my 14 year old gets his I think I will be officially old!!
Oh, I feel you sister!!!! When my oldest got hers, well she failed the first time for making a "LEFT" on red....omg, that was funny but I couldn't laugh (and let her see me).
Then one month later she pulled out in front of a trailer truck and totaled my graduation present to myself.....a red convertible. Thank GOD, she and her passengers walked away without a scratch! Oh, except the seatbelt pinched her leg! They had a guardian angel riding with them. But she is a much better driver now, thank goodness!
Youngest got her permit in March, but she is already a much better driver than her sis was.
So yes I feel for you, but just remember it gets better!
Sorry about the scary story.
Yeah, thanks for the mini-heart attack! Actually, it seems everyone has at least 1 horror story about their kids driving. I'm just waiting to get that call that begins, "Mom, first off I'm ok. But the car . . ."
LOL - but only a little!! Thanks everyone for sharing. I knew y'all could relate!

Starting: 283 Current: 225 Goal: 150

Starting: 283 Current: 225 Goal: 150
My wife is 23. She got her license at 18 and her permit at 16. Her parents rarely ever let her drive. When we first started dating she was 19 and I gave her my car and I bought a new one. She hit a flag pole within a few weeks of having it. It was in her own driveway. :) A few months later she was rearended by some guy who proceeded to run. She then chased him and was able to get his tag number as he was doing 360's in some dirt to try and lose her. Wacko! Anyways.. I can't remember the time in between everything but later I let her borrow my truck to go back and forth to school. Well one day she rearended a guy in a larger truck and did a good number on my truck. lol After I got that fixed I believe I ended up buying her a new car because the old was was just about to die. Short while later she rearended a mexican because she thought he had already pulled out in traffic. They were making a right turn. She looked left and then gased it. He hadn't decided to do the same thing lol. Not too much damage though but they mexican guy fought and got a little settlement on it. His car had a salvaged title and he was trying to claim she knocked his bumper off/in or something. There was only a scratch on her car. Hardly a chance she did that. She went a year or so without incident. We got married and bought a house. Life went on. In 2006 she got in her car to leave early in the morning and put it in reverse and proceeded to run into my truck. Again not much damage but scratched up her bumper and mine. Just recently in 2007 she did the same exact thing except this time she had some more room and it was my brothers truck. She smacked it so hard it broke her taillight, bent the trunk lid up, put a hole through the bumper, and smashed in the rear right quarter panel. Lol! She can't win for losing!
She is good driver believe it or not. She just sometimes has a habit of not paying attention! Gotta love her! Oh, and each one of these accidents.. she was never on my insurance. To add her will cost me almost $4k a year because of her points and accident points. Most of those are coming off this year though and soon.. I'll be able to add her! lol