so the other day i completely overworked out i wrote about it earlier... i did my walk a mile (x2) and then my friend and i walked our high school track for 40 minutes (about 2 and a half more miles) and we went shopping in an outdoor mile and we just walked a lot... but from working out that much i didn't really get too sore, just unmotivated... so how do you get your motivation back?
Hi there, Gee, I'm not sure, I know there have been sooo many things crop up that should of motivated me or at least kept me going like health issues, goals, treating myself(non-food) ect...Now with your post today, I'm wondering since "motivation" seems elusive, what if we instead made the exercize, food choices ect.. a habit? Just day by day it builds upon itself, the more we do it, the more it becomes a habit? I dunno, just musing here....
Throw motivation out the window. You'll never have it. That's why you're in this boat with the rest of us. What you need is self-discipline. Start small, try to make one change a week. For example, set aside Wednesday nights for 20-30 minutes of walking. Try it for a week or so and then increase to 2,****il you've developed an acceptable routine. Don't think about it, just do it. It's like taking your medicine or brushing your teeth. You have to do it.
By the way, the above is easier said than done as well because I don't always practice it myself but that's the jist of it so I'm told. In other words, "Just Do It".
I love Chris, he tells it like it is. I think initially there is always something that motivates us to change our lifestyles. Mine was rather personal and had to deal with relationship issues. But, he's right. Just do it. You can't always be motivated. You know you have to, so do it. If you wait for motivation, you could be waiting forevvvvvvvvvvvvvvver! But more motivation does come in the process: seeing the scale move, loose fitting clothes, not breathing so hard, meeting/exceeding personal goals. Those things will help keep you going.
I think Chris said it best. It becomes a routine, something you work into your day. Christ, who the heck is motivated to go to the gym, work out and get yourself all sweaty and sore, and WANT to go back to do it again? I think for most of us it isn't that we LOVE it, it's more like we know we have to do it, and so we do.
I definitely cannot get motivated to go walking or exercise on my own at home, although i have sporadically in the past. I definitely prefer the gym and I go directly after work, no stopping at home. I DO look forward to my weight lifting class, definitely.
Good luck in finding your routine!