I forgot to mention in my post this a.m. that I wanted to ask if anyone was going to try Alli this week? I have been seriously thinking about it, but almost feel like I'm a cheater if I do that. I've changed my diet and stick with it 85% of the time, but was wondering if this could be something to really help me out?
I'd like your honest opinions

VSG on 03/13/12
You know I have been seeing the commercials. And personally I am a diet pill fan...I try them all...all the time. I have found a couple that have worked...I just keep forgetting to take them...if you take one Relacore and 1 Zantrex-3 they work good. They helped me lose the first 15 pounds. But I stopped taking them...for no reason. But I was going to pick up some Alli today actually....Because hey I try it all!!! And no I don't think it's cheating...whatever It doesn't matter how you do it. It's all to personal satisfacation. :)
VSG on 03/13/12
I only just saw the display for Alli at the store last night. I read through the pamphlet and it says if you are taking diabetes medications you should not use Alli, and since I am on diabetes meds I decided not to try it. I was also somewhat apprehensive about the side effects or "treatment issues" as they call it. Anal leakage doesn't sound like a kick to me!
Good luck though - - let us know how you do.
Starting: 283 Current: 225 Goal: 150

Starting: 283 Current: 225 Goal: 150
VSG on 03/13/12
I'm always leery about the latest and greatest weight loss drug, especially the over-the-counter ones. If it's just coming out that means that the jury is still out on possible side effects. If you find something that's been thorougly tested and actually works, I say go for it. I have my annual phsyical scheduled for Thursday and I plan to ask my doctor for an appetite suppressant. No, I don't think it's cheating, just a tool.
Alli is the new OTC formulation of Xenical. It is about half the strength of what prescription Xenical is. It is FDA approved so not the same as zantrex and other random herbal drugs.
basically it binds with the enzymes that break down fat in your intestines so that less of the fat you eat gets absorbed into your body. it just comes out the other end in sometimes gross and embarassing ways. so it may help you if you are drawn to higher fat foods but if you already eat low fat, it won't do anything for you. their promotional materials even state that there is no point in taking it unless you meal has greater than 15 g of fat.
it sorta works on the same principle as WLS. if you eat badly, you have negative consequences, therefore reinforcing positive healthy eating. i'm not sure how the weaker strength affects the degree of side effects.
i have used xenical off and on - probably not in the most healthy ways. i generally eat low fat but when i know i'm going out or on holidays i will take a xenical. i have been prescribed it in the past by a doctor and i generally have some sitting around that i ordered off the internet. i don't think it has helped me to lose weight but perhaps has kept me from gaining weight during certain points in my life. i'm guessing it will be pretty pricey as well but if you do tend to eat more fat than you should, then perhaps its worth giving it a try.
I'm all for diet pills because lord knows I've tested enough of them, but this one, I'm against and here's why: I used the prescribed version of this medicine and it made my butt leak oil. I'm not kidding. If I ate anything, low fat or not, I leaked. I had to wear menstration pads 24-7 while I was on that pill. After two weeks, I couldn't take it anymore. The side effects of that pill are horrendous - butt leakage? Horrible. I'll stick to TrimSpa.